How do you catch Murray Crays?

The only legal methods of catching Murray Crayfish are with hoop or lift nets (see Figure 2) or attended lines. Up to 5 hoop nets per person may be used and up to 2 attended lines per person Page 2 Fishing for Murray Crayfish in NSW 2 NSW Department of Primary Industries, August 2013 may be used.

When can you catch Murray Crays?

In Victoria, Murray crayfish are subject to a very limited open season during the three months of winter, from 1 June to 31 August. Before heading out to catch some crays, check out the Victorian rules on the Victorian Fisheries Authority’s Murray Spiny Freshwater Crayfish page.

What is the best bait for Murray crayfish?

The best baits for crays are bullock’s liver, or any fresh meat, or pierced tins of cat or dog food. Also, contrary to the popular urban myth, dead European carp, but not other fish, can be used as bait.

What months can you catch crayfish?

Generally, the crayfish season runs from April through to November when the waters at its warmest and the crayfish are most active. However, although the catches are far less, they can be caught year-round. In terms of bait, we find the fresher the bait, the better.

What months can you catch Crayfish?

What’s the best bait to catch yabbies?

Yabbies really like blood filled meat. He said the dark meat was the best for bait and he could prove it with the number of yabbies he caught. Whatever meat you use, try to select the stuff that has the least fat.

What is the best way to catch yabbies?

This Dam is in Cowra NSW. The humble Yabby (Cherax Destructor), can be caught quite easily with a piece of Liver (Cow or Sheep). I have found Liver to be the absolute best in Yabby baits. If you can’t get Liver, you can try Heart (Cow or Sheep), can of tuna (or any tin of Cat food!), piece of chuck steak.

What’s the best bait for freshwater Crayfish?

The best bait for crawfish is fish such as shiners, herring, sunfish, pogies and gizzard shad. Some fishermen prefer to use cut up salmon heads and other oily fish they can get their hands on. You can get these from the locals easily enough or make them yourself.

How many Murray crayfish can you catch?

There is also a daily bag limit of two crayfish and a total possession limit of four, and crayfish must only be taken from prescribed NSW waters, not any other locations.

Where can you fish for Murray crayfish?

Where are you allowed to fish for Murray Crays?

  • The Murrumbidgee River between the Gundagai Rd Bridge and Berembed Weir (excluding Old Man Creek)
  • The Murray River between Hume Weir and the Tocumwal Rd Bridge.

What to use to catch crayfish in the Murray River?

Basically, a net, the right location, and some bait are all you need. When it comes to baiting for Murray River Crayfish a few baits can be used that will also catch yabbies. Baits such as chicken carcass, fish heads, fish frames, and various cuts of meat will result in a catch or two.

How big of a crayfish can you catch in Victoria?

Murray River Crays are restricted to size and catch limits throughout Victoria and New South Wales. A bag limit of 2 Spiny Crayfish per licensed angler is enforced and a Possession limit of 4. This includes keeping them as pets. A size limit is enforced which is measured by the Carapace.

Are there any crayfish in the Australian outback?

We do trips into the Australian Outback, traveling by 4×4 and towing our Off Road caravan. I just love animals that are totally free, especially Reptiles and big lizards like the Lace Monitor, they are just so cool to watch moving around. Hope you enjoy the videos.