How do you say wish Festival in French?

So you could say:

  1. Joyeuses fêtes – Happy Holidays.
  2. Joyeuses fêtes de fin d’année – Happy Holidays.
  3. Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes – Je te souhaite de joyeuses fêtes – happy holidays.

What are good French wishes?

The French wish each other well for almost everything. You just use the word “bon’ or ‘bonne’ or the phrase ‘je vous souhaite’ or je te souhaite..’ and you can be assured the French people will be happy with you. At home, on the street, when someone wins a prize, there’s always an occasion for congratulations.

How do you wish in French?

  1. (= want) souhaiter. to wish to do sth souhaiter faire qch. I wish to make a complaint. Je souhaite porter plainte. I wish to leave a message.
  2. (= want sth unlikely or impossible) I wish J’aimerais bien I wish you were here! J’aimerais bien que tu sois là !
  3. ( in greetings, polite expressions)

How do you wish good health in French?

I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. Je vous souhaite santé, bonheur et prospérité.

How do you say best wishes in French email?

  1. meilleures salutations = best salutations. meilleurs sentiments = best wishes.
  2. plein de baisers = lots of kisses. salut = bye.
  3. salutations = salutations. salutations distinguées = distinguished salutations.
  4. tendresse = fondly. tiens bon (tenez bon) = take care, hang in there.
  5. toute mon amitié = very best wishes.

How do you say Bon Courage?

– Bon courage ! – Moving is hard, hang in there! – Bonne chance ! – I hope your movers are good / you make it safely / the new place works out!…Supportive French Expression.

Meaning hang in there, you can do it, good luck
Literally good courage
Register normal
Pronunciation [bo(n) koo razh]
IPA [bɔ̃ ku raʒ]

How do you express gratitude in French?

Expressing gratitude in French : merci mille fois.

What is the meaning of Bonne chance?

good luck
bonne chance in American English (bɔnˈʃɑ̃s) French. good luck. an expression of good wishes.

What’s the proper way to greet someone in France?

Often, a longer first name will be shortened, such as Caro for Caroline or Flo for Florence. Cheek kissing is certainly an accepted form of greeting in France, but there are strict (unwritten) social rules to follow. Cheek kissing is generally OK, for example, but not hugging.

What’s the difference between English and French greetings?

The greeting in French is listed on the left, while the English translation is on the right. French greetings can be particularly tricky. For example, the French title Mademoiselle —literally “my young lady”—has long been used to distinguish between women, whether due to their age or marital status.

Do You Wish Someone Happy Bastille Day in France?

To Wish Someone a Happy Bastille Day, It Great Idea, But don’t Metion Bastille At All For France Friends. Yup, the French don’t call the day Bastille Day, instead referring to the date as ‘la Fête Nationale Française’ or ‘Fete Nat’ or even a simple ‘la Fête du 14 Juliet’.

What’s the correct way to say hello in French?

There are different ways of greeting each other in French. To say ‘hello’ to someone, you can say bonjour. If you want to say ‘hello’ to a friend or family member, you can say salut. à bientôt – ‘see you soon’. The greeting you use can change depending on who you are talking to and what time of day it is.