What is the passing score on the 220-1001 exam?

Exam Details

Exam Codes CompTIA A+ 220-1001 (Core 1) and 220-1002 (Core 2) Candidates must complete both 1001 and 1002 to earn certification. Exams cannot be combined across the series.
Length of Test 90 Minutes per exam
Passing Score 220-1001: 675 (on a scale of 100-900) 220-1002: 700 (on a scale of 100-900)

How many questions should you expect on the 220-901 exam?

Exam Details and Specifics CompTIA A+ 220-901 exam – 90 minutes for answering a maximum of 90 questions (performance-based or multiple choice). The topics covered include: Hardware (34%), Networking (21%), Mobile Devices (17%), Hardware and Network Troubleshooting (28%).

What is CompTIA A+ 220 801?

CompTIA A+ 220-801 Study Materials The A+ certification covers basic installation and configuration of computer hardware and software. The exams will include topics involving PC’s, laptops, various operating systems, mobile devices, tablets, basic computer networking, and troubleshooting.

What is the difference between 220-1001 and 220-901?

Difference between the new A+ 220-1001 and the CompTIA A+ 220-901 certification. First, about the exam number, 220-1001 is the exam number replacing 220-901. The new exam also gets a name and that is Core 1.

Is Core 2 or Core 1 harder?

While Core 1 focuses more on hardware, Core 2 is more about software, cybersecurity, and operational procedures: Operating Systems (27%) Software Troubleshooting (26%)

How hard is CompTIA exam?

So, is the CompTIA A+ hard? The CompTIA A+ is a professional industry certification and has the same level of difficulty of any other entry-level professional licensure exam. Many A+ test takers underestimate the difficulty of the exams and the amount of study the exams require.

Is the CompTIA exam multiple choice?

The CompTIA A+ exams include a combination of multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop activities and performance-based items. The multiple-choice questions are single and multiple response. When taking the exams, it’s important to manage your time wisely.

Can I get a job with just CompTIA A+ certification?

Can you get a job with just the A+ certification? Yes, earning the CompTIA A+ is often enough to be hired for an entry-level IT job, as long as you also demonstrate strong soft skills, such as communication, professionalism, and a willingness to learn.

Is an A+ certification worth IT?

Being CompTIA A+ certified is definitely worth it when it comes to landing entry-level jobs. It is recognized as one of the very first certifications that prospective IT pros should obtain. Having the A+ can help you land entry-level IT jobs like desktop support or help desk tech.

What is the difference between CompTIA 220-901 and 220-902?

As an entry-level certification, A+ is rather a wider than a deep credential….Are A+ exams 220-902 and 220-1002 “Software” exams?

Main Domains of A+ 220-901 Main Domains of A+ 220-902
3.0 Mobile Devices 3.0 Security
4.0 Hardware & Network Troubleshooting 4.0 Software Troubleshooting
5.0 Operational Procedures

What is the most recent A+ certification?

CompTIA A+ 220-1001 (Core 1) & 220-1002 (Core 2). Current version of the A+ exam (launched January 15, 2019). As with the previous release (220-901 & 220-902), this exam is scheduled to retire approximately three years from its release date.