What does Overstable Disc Golf mean?

Overstable is a term that describes a disc’s stability, its overall flight pattern, i.e. where it lands compared to from where it was thrown. Overstable Discs: Turn opposite the spin when thrown flat, straight and with average power. That means. RHBH (right hand back hand) throw will spin right and turn left.

How do you know if a disc is Overstable or Understable?

The most effective way to tell if a disc is overstable or understable is to throw it. Try throwing the disc backhand and aiming straight. For right-handed players, an understable disc will turn to the right and an overstable disc will turn to the left. A stable disc will go straight.

What are Overstable discs good for?

Overstable discs are usually recommended for the power throwers with considerable experience. In the hands of an inexperienced player the results will usually be disappointing because the disc will fade so early in flight it really doesn’t go very far.

What makes a disc golf disc Overstable or Understable?

The turn rating system is a scale between 1 and – 5. Discs with a turn rating of 1 are considered overstable. Discs with a turn rating of 0 are considered stable. Finally, discs with a turn rating of -1 through -5 are considered understable.

What is Understable?

Understable means a flight that turns right ( RHBH throw). Stable is a flight that doesn’t turn. Overstable refers to a flight that turns left ( RHBH throw). Skip is a shot that is meant to fly after it hits the ground.

When would you use an Overstable disc?

Resist Overstable Discs When throwing a right hand back hand shot (RHBH) that needs to finish left, or hyzer, the urge is to reach for an overstable disc. We do this because it is reliable and you know that whatever angle you release it on, it is going to hyzer out.

What makes a disk Understable?

High-speed turn The degree to which a disc resists high speed turn determines the disc’s stability. Discs that have a lot of high speed turn are understable. Discs that have a moderate amount of high speed turn are stable, and discs that resist turning right even at high speeds are overstable.

Do pros use Understable discs?

Most pros are only throwing understable if they need to throw a roller. Best example of straight shot discs that I can think of from a pro are from Paul McBeth. He regularly throws a Teebird3 or Nova for shots that require little to no fade.

What is Overstable vs Understable?

Understable means a flight that turns right ( RHBH throw). Stable is a flight that doesn’t turn. Overstable refers to a flight that turns left ( RHBH throw).

What makes a disc Understable?

If a disc has more air above than below, that applies downward force to the front (or “nose”) of the disc. If you have a disc made so that more air passes over it than under it so that the nose is exposed to more downward force, the right edge will go down. This turns the disc right and makes it understable.

Why do people like Overstable discs?

When throwing a right hand back hand shot (RHBH) that needs to finish left, or hyzer, the urge is to reach for an overstable disc. We do this because it is reliable and you know that whatever angle you release it on, it is going to hyzer out.

Why do pros prefer Overstable discs?

When thrown on a hyzer, an overstable disc wants to find the ground. The more stability a disc has, the quicker it will want to dump out of the air and land. This means that the less stability the disc has, the longer it will take to find the ground when thrown on a hyzer.

What is the difference between understable and overstable?

Stability is a description of the disc’s flight path. Understable means a flight that turns right (RHBH throw). Stable is a flight that doesn’t turn. Overstable refers to a flight that turns left (RHBH throw). Spike/Spike Hyzer is a shot that lands almost vertically and doesn’t skip.

What is an understable disc?

Understable is a term that describes the overall flight pattern of golf discs, i.e. where they land compared to their starting point. Understable discs are the most beginner friendly. They turn in the direction of their spin during the initial stages of their flight when thrown flat, straight and with average power.

What is disc golf rating?

Disc golf disc ratings are the shorthand way of knowing what you’re throwing, so to speak. There are three main systems of disc ratings: the Four-number rating system, the Virbam system, and the Discraft system.