What is the best doctor to see for PCOS?

Endocrinologist. While your family healthcare provider or gynecologist may suspect that you have the disorder, it’s strongly recommended that you consult with an endocrinologist for further diagnostic testing and treatment. An endocrinologist specifically treats disorders of the hormonal system.

Are doctors finding a cure for PCOS?

There is currently no “cure” for PCOS, just management of symptoms. This month, a groundbreaking study was published in the journal Nature Medicine that might have found a treatment for this disorder. The research was lead by Dr. Paolo Giacobini at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research.

Can a gynecologist help with PCOS?

Obstetrician/gynecologists: Because menstrual and fertility problems can be your first warning signs of PCOS, many women start their journey with their gynecologist. Depending on your needs and other symptoms, your gynecologist might continue to treat you or refer you to an endocrinologist to coordinate your care.

Is PCOS a long term condition?

There is a big misconception that PCOS is only a condition to worry about whilst you are in your fertile years, however polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition for life and unfortunately comes with very serious long term health risks such as type 2 diabetes, endometrial cancer and cardiovascular disease.

What disease mimics PCOS?

Other disorders that mimic the clinical features of PCOS should be exclude: thyroid disease, high prolactin levels, and non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Is PCOS an autoimmune disease 2021?

PCOS doesn’t cause autoimmune disease, but it could be one. Many women with PCOS have low levels of the hormone progesterone. A drop in this hormone can stimulate the immune system to make autoantibodies — proteins that damage the body’s tissues.

Who are the doctors at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers?

Dr. Jeffrey Abrams is an emergency medicine physician in Knoxville, TN, and has been in practice more than 20 years. Dr. Fadi Abu Shahin is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Fort Myers, FL, and has been in practice between 10–20 years. Dr. Gilberto Acosta is an anesthesiologist in Fort Myers, FL, and has been in practice more than 20 years.

Where can I find a PCOS specialist online?

You can browse the PCOS specialists who have already been added to the directory online at www.pcosdirectory.org.

Is the PCOS awareness association the same as PCOS?

New to the PCOS Awareness Association Network! The PCOS Awareness Association is committed to raising awareness about PCOS worldwide. However, we recognize that everyone does not have the same level of access to care and information.