How do you treat a strained quad?

Pain relief

  1. Rest. Avoid doing activities that may aggravate your injury.
  2. Ice. Use a cold pack for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day.
  3. Compression. Consider bandaging your thigh with an elastic wrap to limit swelling and movement.
  4. Elevation.

How long does a quad muscle strain take to heal?

Minor to moderate quad strains will usually heal on their own, given enough time. Recovery for minor to moderate quad strains is usually one to three weeks with limited activity. If the strained quad is severe, it may require four to eight weeks to achieve full recovery.

How do you know if you pulled a quad muscle?

When a quadriceps tendon tears, there is often a tearing or popping sensation. Pain and swelling typically follow, and you may not be able to straighten your knee. Additional symptoms include: An indentation at the top of your kneecap where the tendon tore.

Is it better to rest or stretch a pulled muscle?

Should you stretch a strained or pulled muscle? Like we mentioned above, the best thing to do for your pulled muscle is to rest it. Physical Therapist Lewis says “You would want to avoid stretching the muscle for a few days to allow the acute injury to begin to heal.

Can I run with a strained quad?

With a Grade I strain, you may be able to carry on running at the time of injury. Grade I injuries tend to be mild in that they tend to heal fully. With proper care and rehabilitation, the healing times can be reduced. A Grade II or III strain will be severe enough that you will have to stop training or competition.

Should you stretch a pulled quad?

Stretching should only last for a few minutes, and be careful not to stretch very hard or far. Over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, can help ease pain and swelling. A doctor may also recommend physical therapy to restore the range of motion. Ultimately, the best treatment for a pulled quad is time.

Can I run on a strained quad?

Should you rub a pulled muscle?

Therapeutic massage helps loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow to help heal damaged tissues. Applying pressure to the injured muscle tissue also helps remove excess fluid and cellular waste products. A 2012 study found that massage immediately following an injury may even speed strained muscle healing.

Is heat or ice better for a pulled quad?

After an acute injury, ice should be used to minimize swelling for the first two to three days. After this period, heat can be used to increase blood flow and assist the natural healing process. Applying heat too early may cause additional swelling by increasing blood flow to the injury.

Why does my quad hurt?

A multitude of factors can contribute to quad pain. The most obvious cause is an acute injury sustained during an activity of daily living, such as a fall, or during exercise or sports. Your quadriceps pain might be a bruise or a muscle strain.

What causes pain in upper quad muscles?

Another common cause of quad muscle pain is muscle contusion. When your quad muscles experience a sudden forceful blow, in the front part of your thighs, the quad muscles may experience a bruise and blood clot known as hematoma.

Why your quads are sore?

Another cause of seriously sore quads is repetitive eccentric, or lengthening, contractions of these muscles. A downhill run or hike could be the culprit. Once thought to be due to a buildup of lactic acid, this delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is due to micro tears in the muscle fibers.