How do I fix Ora 00980?

Solution: Replace the synonym with the name of the object it references or re- create the synonym so that it refers to a valid table, view, or synonym. DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM SYNONYM_NAME; CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM SYNONYM_NAME FOR NEW_OWNER.

How do you drop synonym?

To drop a private synonym, either the synonym must be in your own schema or you must have the DROP ANY SYNONYM system privilege. To drop a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege. You must specify PUBLIC to drop a public synonym.

What is Dba_synonyms?

DBA_SYNONYMS describes all synonyms in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_SYNONYMS .

What are synonyms in SQL?

A synonym is a database object that serves the following purposes: Provides an alternative name for another database object, referred to as the base object, that can exist on a local or remote server.

How do I fix Ora 00980 synonym translation is no longer valid?

This ORA-00980 errors are related with the synonym used is based on a table, view, or synonym that no longer exists. To solve this error, Replace the synonym with the name of the object it references or re-create the synonym so that it refers to a valid table, view, or synonym. Or recreate the synonym again.

What is looping chain of synonyms?

ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms – Basically means that you created a synonym that points to another object in a circle. As you can see the looping chain is now broken and all synonyms created will point to the object created and then pointed to by s3.

Where can I find public synonyms in Oracle?

select * from all_synonyms where owner IN (‘SCHEMA_USER1′,’SCHEMA_USER2’); If you are logged in as a particular user, then this will show all the synonymns private to the user. select * from user_synonyms; If you are looking for only public synonyms, this query may be close to what you are looking for.

How do I create a synonym in SQL Developer?


  1. First, specify the name of the synonym and its schema.
  2. Second, specify the object for which you want to create the synonym after the FOR keyword.
  3. Third, use the OR REPLACE option if you want to re-create the synonym if it already exists.

How do I recreate a synonym in Oracle?

How to drop a interface table with ora-00980?

I am working as a oracle apps technical consultant.Recently i am getting one error.i.e,ora-00980:synonym translation is no longer valid. ora-00980:synonym translation is no longer valid. How is it possible for drop a interface table?

Which is the local version of ora-00980?

1 row created. Rollback complete. Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors. Am I doing anything wrong. I am trying to create a view that combines a union all over a dblink. The local DB version is and the remote version is 8.1.7 when I run the query as is, it works.

How to change synonym definition in ora-00980?

// *Action: Change the synonym definition so that the synonym points at // a legal target object. work with your DBA – someone dropped something – nothing I can do sitting here – something your DBA is going to have to remedy. Anyone with the privileges can drop stuff – that is what happened here.

How to install and run Oracle SQL Developer?

To install and run 1 Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here 2 Download the file for OS X on the Downloads page 3 Double-click the SQL Developer icon More