How far apart should you plant Colorado blue spruce trees?

20 to 30 feet apart
Colorado blue spruce is hardy in our region. Purchase trees from a local nursery or garden center. Plant trees in full sun from spring to summer in well-drained, slightly acidic, humus-rich, moist ground. Space specimen trees 20 to 30 feet apart.

What is the best time of year to plant a blue spruce?

Unlike many plants, its best to plant blue spruce during the dormancy period of November to March. Planting during cold temperatures allows the blue spruce to develop roots for the spring season. Choose a site with full sun, loose draining soil, and plenty of elbow room.

How do you plant a blue spruce tree?

How to Plant Blue Spruce. Plant Colorado blue spruce in a sunny spot that has rich, moist but well-drained soil. Dig a hole the same depth as the container and roughly 1.5 times as wide. Gently remove the plant from its pot, then use a sharp spade, planting knife or hand saw to shave off any outer circling roots.

How close to the house can I plant a blue spruce?

I would plant this particular tree species at least 20-25′ away from your house as it is my experience that most homeowners and landscapers tend to plant trees way too close to structures.

How tall is a 5 year old blue spruce?

I have seen beautiful Colorado Blue Spruce windbreaks get about 25 ft tall or shorter and then in only a couple of years they are all dead from needlecast disease, see below. A 2ft tall-potted tree can be 5 ft tall in 5 years, in good soil, with adequate moisture, and weed and grass control around the base.

How fast does a Colorado blue spruce grow?

12″ to 24″ per year
Growth Rate This tree grows at a slow to medium rate, with height increases of anywhere from less than 12″ to 24″ per year.

How much is a 6 foot blue spruce?

Colorado Blue Spruce – Installed
Height in feet Price each Minimum order
5 – 6 $159.95 each 10 trees
6 – 7 $179.95 each 10 trees
7 – 8 $199.95 each 10 trees

How long does it take for a Colorado blue spruce to grow?

30 to 60 years
The Colorado blue spruce grows at a slow to medium rate, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, although it picks up a bit as it gets older. This blue spruce grows from 12 to 24 inches a year. So it will require 30 to 60 years for a Colorado blue spruce to grow from seed to 60 feet tall.

What kills blue spruce trees?

By far the most common complaint of cultivated blue spruces is needle cast disease, mostly that caused by the fungus Rhizospaera kalkhoffii. It infects young needles and overwinters on living or recently killed foliage. During the growing season, the spores spread to other branches, or other trees, by splashing water.

Do Colorado blue spruce have invasive roots?

Depending upon the size of your spruce, you’ll find most of the roots in the top 12-18″ of soil, extending out at least as far as the branch tips. Typically the roots are not invasive, but it depends upon how close the tree is planted to them.

How much space does a blue spruce need?

Height: 30 – 50 feet. Spacing: 8 – 10 feet.

What is the hardiest spruce tree?

Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Most forms are hardy in zone 3 and they will grow all the way through zone 7, and even in zone 8 in the north-west, so they are a good choice for most gardens. This tree is not particularly drought resistant, and it’s not a good choice if you have dry soil and hot, dry summers.

When to plant blue spruce?

Potted Colorado blue spruces are either spruces dug up and potted for sale, or spruces that have been entirely container grown. Plant potted spruces in late spring through early fall. Spruces potted in field soil need early spring planting. Planting in spring through early fall is best for spruces grown in containers.

Keep blue spruce seedlings sheltered and watered until transplanting. The ideal time to plant or transplant blue spruce tree seedling is in the spring before active growth begins. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice the diameter of either the pot it came in or the root ball (if wrapped in burlap).

When to plant spruce trees?

Plant spruce trees in the spring, once the ground is soft and workable, or in the fall, just before the ground freezes. Planting trees during hot weather can cause more stress and may shock your tree. Select a planting site in full sun.

Why is my Blue Spruce dying?

Bare or dying branches on a Colorado blue spruce tree are commonly caused by a few different insect pests or one or more diseases. All of these problems can be exacerbated by drought stress, poor soil conditions, mechanical damage, and climatic conditions such as high humidity.