Is Hyperlexia always autism?

Hyperlexia is often, but not always, part of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It’s considered a “splinter skill,” a unique skill that doesn’t have much practical application. But therapists can often use a child’s hyperlexic skills as a tool for their therapy and treatment.

Do kids outgrow Hyperlexia?

In the meantime a cautious differential diagnostic approach, along with careful, watchful observation over time is advised especially when early reading or late speaking are the presenting symptoms. Those children who are in the hyperlexia 3 group do not “outgrow” their autism.

What are the three types of Hyperlexia?

Three conditions — Hyperlexia (children who read early), Einstein syndrome (children who speak late), and “Blindisms” (in children with impaired vision) — can present with “autistic-like” symptoms, traits, and behaviors that need to be differentiated from autistic disorder.

How do you know if you have Hyperlexia?

Hyperlexia is a syndrome observed in people who demonstrate the following cluster of characteristics: Aprecocious, self-taught ability to read words which appears before age 5, and/or an intense fascination with letters, numbers. logos, maps or visual patterns.

Is hyperlexia a neurological disorder?

Hyperlexia is defined as the co-occurrence of advanced reading skills relative to comprehension skills or general intelligence, the early acquisition of reading skills without explicit teaching, and a strong orientation toward written material, generally in the context of a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Is hyperlexia a disability?

Conclusions: We interpret the literature as supporting the view that hyperlexia is a superability demonstrated by a very specific group of individuals with developmental disorders (defined through unexpected single-word reading in the context of otherwise suppressed intellectual functioning) rather than as a disability …

How can I help my child with hyperlexia?

Help for Hyperlexia:

  1. Use a visual organizer to help the child recall the important information in the story and organize it appropriately.
  2. Use social stories to help children understand the emotions of the characters and different perspectives.
  3. Comic strips are great ways to show perspective.

How do you overcome hyperlexia?

The main treatment for Hyperlexia will be delivered by a speech and language therapist who will focus on developing and supporting communication and social interaction skills. Therapy will use the individual’s advance reading and visual abilities as a tool for therapy and language learning.

Is hyperlexia treatable?

What is are some of the treatments for hyperlexia?

Therapies that are Helpful for Kids Diagnosed with Hyperlexia 1. Speech and Language Therapy Hyperlexia is essentially a language learning difference or disability. So it makes sense… 2. Occupational Therapy

How is hyperlexia diagnosed?

Hyperlexia is diagnosed by a team of medical professionals and will usually be made in early childhood. The main diagnosis of Hyperlexia will be given by a paediatrician.

What are the symptoms of hyperlexia in adults?

Other symptoms presented by infants as well as adults may include exaggeration of reflexes (hyperreflexia), interrupted breathing (intermittent apnea) and/or unstable walking (gait), usually with a mild wide-based stance. Some patients have a dislocation of the hip that is present at birth.

What is hyperlexia disorder?

Hyperlexia is a syndrome characterized by a child’s very early ability to read, combined with a difficulty in understanding and using verbal language, and problems with social interactions.