How long does a colonoscopy procedure take from start to finish?

A colonoscopy procedure typically takes 30-60 minutes, depending on whether the doctor needs to remove polyps or take biopsies. However, patients and caregivers should plan to spend 2-3 hours total at the hospital or endoscopy center to account for the time needed for preparation and recovery.

What can I expect at my first colonoscopy appointment?

During your colonoscopy, you’ll lie on your left side on an exam table. You’ll get sedatives through an IV in your arm, and you’ll go to sleep. During the procedure, the doctor puts a tube-like instrument called a colonoscope into your rectum. It’s long but only about a half-inch across.

Is preparing for a colonoscopy painful?

Most patients — 66% — reported no discomfort or minimal discomfort from colonoscopy preparation. An additional 19% reported medium discomfort, 8% reported “almost severe” discomfort, and 7% reported severe discomfort from colonoscopy preparation.

How will I feel after a colonoscopy?

You may feel gassy or bloated for a while after the procedure because of the air that was injected into your intestine during the colonoscopy. As you release the air, the feeling should begin to subside. You should feel back to normal in that regard within 30 minutes to an hour.

What should I know before going into a colonoscopy?

Low-fiber foods. Switch to low-fiber foods at least five days before your exam.

  • Soft foods. Switching to a soft-food diet at least 48 hours before the colonoscopy may make your preparation easier.
  • Foods to avoid. During this time,you also need to avoid foods that can be hard to digest or get in the way of the camera during your colonoscopy.
  • Medications.
  • How do you feel after a colonoscopy?

    After a colonoscopy, you will be monitored in the recovery room until most of the effects of the medication have worn off. You may feel some cramping or bloating because of the air introduced into the colon during the examination.

    What is the recovery time for a colonoscopy?

    After the procedure is completed, you will recover for about 30 to 45 minutes. Since the colon is expanded with air during the procedure, you are encouraged to pass flatus (gas) during the recovery period.

    How long to recover from colonoscopy?

    Recovery is generally quick. Minor side effects such as gassiness, bloating, and cramps usually resolve within 24 hours. With a more involved procedure, a full recovery can take up to two weeks. Your doctor will give you some instructions on how to care for yourself.