What is kDNA?

Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) is the most structurally complex mitochondrial DNA in nature. Unique to the single mitochondrion of unicellular flagellates of the order Kinetoplastida, kDNA is best known as a giant network of thousands of catenated circular DNAs (an electron micrograph of a network is shown in Fig.

What is the role of Kinetoplast?

In kinetoplasts, maxicircles play an important role in encoding ribosomal RNAs as well as various proteins involved in bioenergetic processes within the mitochondria. Here, some of the transcripts of RNA may later be modified through the insertion or deletion of uridine residues.

How do kinetoplastids move?

In kinetoplastids with two flagella most forms have a leading and trailing flagellum, the latter of which may be attached to the side of the cell. The flagella are used for locomotion and attachment to surfaces.

Which are the organisms that are part of class Kinetoplast?

KINETOPLASTIDS. The kinetoplastids are a widespread group of flagellated protozoa. Members of this group parasitize virtually all animal groups as well as plants and insects. There are also free-living kinetoplastids which feed on bacteria in aquatic, marine and terrestial environments.

What is the location of the Kinetoplast in relation to the nucleus?

During the trypanosome life cycle, the position of the kinetoplast changes relative to other cell organelles, but it always remains close to the basal body. For example, the kinetoplast is located in an anterior position relative to the nucleus in amastigotes, and in a posterior position in trypomastigotes (Figure 4).

What is the function of nucleus in Trypanosoma?

The nucleus compartmentalizes the genetic material surrounded by a double membrane called nuclear envelope.

What is Blepharoplast?

: a basal body especially of a flagellated cell.

Is kinetoplast and Blepharoplast same?

The kinetoplast divides independently, but with the basal body, before nuclear division. Kinetoplast formerly included parabasal body and blepharoplast in a locomotory apparatus but is now recognized as a distinct organelle of most trypanosomatids. See also: parabasal body.

What is a Kinetoplast what pathogenic organisms contain this structure?

KINETOPLASTIDS. The kinetoplastids are a widespread group of flagellated protozoa. Three distinct kinetoplastids cause human disease: African typanosomes (African sleeping sickness), Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease), and Leishmania species (leishmaniasis).

How big are the maxicircles of the kinetoplast?

Maxicircles are between 20 and 40kb in size and there are a few dozen per kinetoplast. There are several thousand minicircles per kinetoplast and they are between 0.5 and 1kb in size. Maxicircles encode the typical protein products needed for the mitochondria which is encrypted.

How does the Ffactor control its own replication?

The gene transfer from one to another bacterial cell is called conjugation. The Ffactor controls its own replication. It has two origins of replication: oriVis the origin for bidirectional replication; oriSis the origin for unidirectional replication.

What is the function of maxicircles in mitochondria?

Maxicircles encode the typical protein products needed for the mitochondria which is encrypted. Herein lies the only known function of the minicircles – producing guide RNA (gRNA) to decode this encrypted maxicircle information, typically through the insertion or deletion of uridine residues.