Can you broadcast sorghum?

Sorghum can be broadcast at a rate of 10 to 15 lbs./acre or drilled at a rate of 5 lbs./acre. You can also use a pull-behind row-planter designed for corn or small grains. To improve the crop, broadcast an additional 80 to 100 pounds of actual nitrogen (175 to 220 pounds of 46-0-0) per acre 6 to 8 weeks after planting.

What is the seeding rate for milo?

*seeding rate and row spacing: Seeding rates of 5 to 10 pounds/acre may be used, although 8 pounds/acre is a common rate. Consider using a seeding rate based on establishing a desired population of plants/acre due to variability in seed size.

How much is milo per acre?

At this rate of planting, seeds will be I to 1 1/2 inches apart in the row with a population of 100,000 to 120,000 plants per acre. On soils that are less fertile or more droughty, the seeding rate should be 5-6 pounds per acre.

What is a good yield for milo?

Yields can be as high as 150-170 Bu./A. in good conditions. Planting Population: Population will be lower on poor ground and higher in better soils. Most milo has a 85% emergence rate, making planting population about 86,000 to 140,000 plants/A.

Can milo be broadcast?

Recommended seeding rates should be about 5 pounds per acre (4-5 acres per bag). If broadcasting, recommended seeding rates for sorghum 10-15 pounds per acre (2-3 acres per bag). Broadcast then incorporate into soil by dragging, cultipacking or lightly disking. Rolling seed bed after planting will increase germination.

Is milo a good food plot for deer?

Sorghum is normally promoted for upland habitats, but is can also be a very effective food source for deer. Grain sorghum (often called milo) has been promoted for upland bird habitat, but it is also an effective food source for deer.

What is the price of milo per bushel?

The average sorghum farm price was $3.34 per bushel in 2019-20, according to the USDA.

Will sorghum cross pollinate with corn?

Q: Could I plant sorghum in the same area as sweet corn without ruining the corn? A: Though the plants are somewhat similar in appearance, there is no problem planting them together. The pollen that is interchanged will affect the taste of each of the corn varieties.

How much does it cost to plant an acre of sorghum?

The USDA estimates it will cost $324, on average, to grow an acre of sorghum this year.

What is the price of Milo per bushel?

What is most of Kansas Milo used for?

In the livestock market, sorghum is used in the poultry, beef and pork industries. Stems and foliage are used for green chop, hay, silage and pasture. A significant amount of U.S. sorghum is also exported to international markets where it is used for animal feed, ethanol and other uses.

Will deer eat sudangrass?

In fields with heavy deer pressure, it would be best to avoid seeding legumes such as alfalfa and clover, as these species will be selectively grazed over grasses. Forage sorghum, sudangrass and millets can provide significant yields with a demonstrated reduction in deer feeding and damage.