What does the word recalcitrant means?

1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint. 2a : difficult to manage or operate. b : not responsive to treatment.

Where is recalcitrant from?

Recalcitrant is from Latin calcitrare, meaning “to kick,” so someone who is recalcitrant is kicking back against what’s wanted of them. Synonyms are unruly, intractable, and refractory, all referring to what is difficult to manage or control.

What is the synonym of recalcitrant?

Some common synonyms of recalcitrant are headstrong, intractable, refractory, ungovernable, unruly, and willful. While all these words mean “not submissive to government or control,” recalcitrant suggests determined resistance to or defiance of authority.

What is recalcitrant example?

The definition of recalcitrant is having behavior that is difficult to deal with and being uncooperative with authority. An example of recalcitrant is a student who constantly defies the teacher in class. Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority.

How do you use the word recalcitrant?

Recalcitrant in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Despite being offered treats by his parents, the little boy was still recalcitrant about doing his homework.
  2. Because of its two recalcitrant members, the committee got very little work done.
  3. The recalcitrant teenager gets into trouble every day.

How do you remember the word recalcitrant?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recalcitrant recalcitrant = recal(recall)+ cit(site) + rant(rent); need recall to please the minister over telephone to get the site in rent as he is stubborn in any matter wants proper clarification.

What makes someone recalcitrant?

What is an obstinate person called?

A person who is dull and unadventurous and who resists change. stick-in-the-mud. fogey. fossil. fuddy-duddy.

What is the sentence of recalcitrant?

1. The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstraters. 2. The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities.

How do you deal with a recalcitrant person?

Listen as the employee expresses himself and avoid becoming defensive. Put yourself in his shoes and attempt to understand his concerns. Make adjustments as needed to improve the atmosphere and help dispel negativity and unprofessional behavior.

What is the medical definition of ” recalcitrant “?

Medical Definition of recalcitrant. : not responsive to treatment severe recalcitrant psoriasis recalcitrant warts. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on recalcitrant. What made you want to look up recalcitrant? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Show Comments.

What is the definition of refractory shock in chest?

The definition of refractory shock or vasodilatory shock varies. In 2018, the American College of Chest Physician stated that it is presents if there is an inadequate response to high-dose vasopressor therapy defined as ≥ 0.5 mg/kg/min norepinephrine-equivalent dose.

Which is the best example of a recalcitrant company?

Recent Examples on the Web Exxon is not the only recalcitrant company to be dragged along in said manner. — Ariel Cohen, Forbes, 14 June 2021 The evidence is clear—and was, in a way that all but only the most recalcitrant can deny, made plain again in the extended endurance test that began in March 2020. — Time, 13 May 2021

How often does refractory vasodilatory shock cause death?

Refractory shock is a lethal manifestation of cardiovascular failure defined by an inadequate hemodynamic response to high doses of vasopressor medications. Approximately 7% of critically ill patients will develop refractory shock, with short-term mortality exceeding 50%.