Can you make bubble hash with fresh weed?

Fresh frozen cannabis is cannabis that’s been harvested and immediately frozen in preparation for the ice water extraction method of making bubble hash. Fresh frozen cannabis maintains much of the qualities it had when it was alive, including high terpene content and low levels of oxidation.

How do you make kief from trimmings?

If you don’t have one of those trimming machines, you can also collect kief by using a silkscreen. Simply rub the trim across the silk screen and the kief will fall through to be collected below. A dry sift tumbler can handle this process automatically.

What do you do with fan leaf trimmings?

However, it’s becoming popular to juice fan leaves as one does with other common leafy greens. You can also dry fan leaves and brew them into tea and or use them in recipes for salves. Sugar leaves, on the other hand, produce a thick coat of cannabinoid-packed trichomes.

Can you smoke Larf?

Though larfs are completely viable as a cannabis product since they are smaller and immature, they have lower market and aesthetic value. They also contain fewer aromatic and medicinal compounds like terpenes, as well as cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which makes them less attractive to consumers.

Can I use fresh frozen trim for bubble hash?

Many hash-makers claim that processing fresh-frozen plant material offers greater yields and higher terpene content, while others maintain that using dried material results in a more stable and longer-lasting product, less prone to degradation over time.

How do you tumble Kief?

When you dry trim with Tom’s Tumbler, use the same kief extraction process. Dry to the point that the sugar leaves break off when you rub your finger against them. After properly drying, tumble for 3-5 minutes, per batch.

How can I reduce Larf?

Many growers use practices to minimize larf and allow plants to focus their energy towards producing exceptional flower within the canopy. Delarfing is just that! By pruning, training, and removing any additional vegetation that is not receiving adequate light, you can “delarf” a plant.

What do you do with wet trimmings?

Making cannabutter, oil, or simply vaping the wet trim will leave a strong plant flavor and it’s recommended to dry before making anything with it. Due to not being dense like buds, it shouldn’t take that much to dry properly.