What state of matter is consciousness?

Theoretical physicist Max Tegmark says that consciousness is a state of matter, undulating through phases of change based on surrounding mathematical conditions.

What is the science of consciousness?

Description. Consciousness concerns awareness and how we experience the world. How does awareness, a feature of the mental world, arise from the physical brain? The Science of Consciousness covers the psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience of consciousness.

Where is the consciousness located?

But there is still much debate about what constitutes consciousness in neural terms, with particular disagreement over which brain processes and regions matter most. Since at least the nineteenth century, scientists have known that the cerebral cortex is important for consciousness.

Does Matter have conscience?

There’s just matter, on this view, nothing supernatural or spiritual. But matter can be described from two perspectives. Physical science describes matter “from the outside,” in terms of its behavior. But matter “from the inside”—i.e., in terms of its intrinsic nature—is constituted of forms of consciousness.

What brain part controls consciousness?

brain stem
The brain stem connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. It contains a system of nerve cells and fibers (called the reticular activating system) located deep within the upper part of the brain stem. This system controls levels of consciousness and alertness.

What are the levels of consciousness?

We can view consciousness as three distinct levels: the conscious, the subconscious (or preconscious), and the unconscious.

What are the four states of matter?

Because gasses, liquids, and plasma are always changing their shape, they are called “fluid”. Four states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Solids have definite shape and definite volume.

What are the 3 states of consciousness?

Sigmund Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Modern psychological approaches to understanding consciousness include developmental, social, and neuropsychological; each contribute a different understanding of what consciousness might be.

What are the four levels of consciousness?

The Four Levels of Performance Consciousness

  • Unconscious Incompetent.
  • Unconscious Competent.
  • Conscious Incompetent.
  • Conscious Competent.

What controls consciousness level?

Which is the fourth state of consciousness Mandukya?

Mandukya Upanishad has talked of four states of consciousness: jagrit (awake), susupti (dreamless sleep), swapna (dream sleep) and turiya. While the first three are easy to understand, and physiologists have specific correlates for each of them, turiya presents difficulties.

What’s the difference between the first three states of consciousness?

While the first three are easy to understand, and physiologists have specific correlates for each of them, turiya presents difficulties. The fact is that turiya is an extra-ordinary state of consciousness experienced only by the rishis and mystics.

Which is the perfect state of consciousness in Turiya?

In the turiya consciousness, the perfect equanimity of susupti (dreamless sleep) is present also in the jagrit (awake) state, said Prof. Sastry. Here is a story, which I heard from Prof. Subramanyam, again at Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore, that makes it easier to understand the state of perfect equanimity in dreamless sleep.