What is disease-free interval?

Abstract. The disease-free interval (DFI) is the period of time between the primary treatment of a malignancy and the first sign of tumor recurrence. The recording of this interval is necessarily approximate, because detection of a recurrence depends on how symptomatic it is or on how diligently it is looked for.

What is disease-free survival rate?

Disease-free survival (DFS) is a number that tells the chances of staying free of a disease or cancer after a particular treatment. It is the percentage of individuals in the treatment group who are likely to be free of the signs and symptoms of a disease after a specified duration of time.

What is the difference between health and disease free?

A person is said to be healthy when his/her physical, mental, emotional, and psychological state is fit and fine. It is not merely an absence of any disease. While a person is said to be disease-free when he is devoid of diseases. Diseases usually refer to physical health only.

What is an indication of a disease free state?

Listen to pronunciation. (dih-ZEEZ ser-VY-vul) In cancer, the length of time after primary treatment for a cancer ends that the patient survives without any signs or symptoms of that cancer.

What is the difference between being healthy and disease free?

What is duration of response?

Duration of response is the time from response (R) to progression/death (P/D). The existing statistical procedures for DOR are valid when certain model assumptions are correctly specified.

Is India FMD free?

Countries that are currently free of FMD without vaccination remain under constant threat of an incursion….Endorsed official control programme for FMD.

China (People’s Rep. of) Mongolia Namibia
India Morocco Thailand

How long should the disease free interval be?

Tumor doubling time and disease-free interval must be long enough (>40 days, >2 years) to suggest slow-growing disease. However, surgery should not be denied to patients based on these criteria alone, but the prognosis will be negatively affected in those with rapid-growing tumors. 9

What is the definition of disease free survival?

Disease-Free Survival Disease-free survival (DFS) is defined as the time from randomization to recurrence of tumor or death, and it is typically used in the adjuvant treatment setting.

Which is a selection factor for the disease free interval?

Disease-free Interval In many series, an important prognostic and therefore selection factor is the disease-free interval (DFI), defined as the interval from the completion of chemotherapy to the diagnosis of recurrence.

Is the DFI and the platinum free interval the same?

The platinum-free interval is the interval of time between the last dose of platinum-based chemotherapy and the diagnosis of recurrence. Generally, the DFI and the platinum-free interval are the same, since almost all patients receive primary platinum-based chemotherapy.
