What is homeopathic gelsemium used for?

Gelsemium is used as a painkiller for migraine headaches and for face pain (trigeminal neuralgia) caused by certain facial nerves. It is also used for asthma and other breathing problems.

When should I take Boiron?

Adults and children 2 years of age and older: Dissolve entire contents of one tube in the mouth every 6 hours, up to 3 times a day.

What is the best time to eat homeopathic medicine?

Take nothing by mouth 30-60 minutes before and after taking your homeopathic medicine. Your mouth should be free of any taste from food, drinks, tooth paste, breath mints, mouthwash, etc. Unless directed otherwise, take your medicine at a time when you are most relaxed.

Which Homeopathic medicine is best for flu?

Remedy Options

  • Arsenicum album. A person who needs this remedy during flu feels chilly and exhausted, along with an anxious restlessness.
  • Belladonna.
  • Bryonia alba.
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum.
  • Ferrum phosphoricum.
  • Gelsemium.
  • Nux vomica.
  • Oscillococcinum® and Children’s Oscillococcinum®

Can you overdose on gelsemium?

Initial symptoms from an overdose would typically include dizziness, nausea, blurred vision and convulsions. At larger doses, it causes paralysis of the spinal cord, leading to almost complete loss of muscular power and eventually asphyxia.

What is CH in homeopathy medicine?

CH-dilutions are centesimal (C) dilutions, using Hahnemann’s (H) dilution method. The homeopathic mother tincture is diluted to a 1/100 dilution rate and then shaken vigorously (also known as dynamization). This dilution is known as 1 CH.

Can you drink coffee while taking homeopathic medicine?

A: In general it is recommended that you should refrain from consuming foods or drinks that contain strong aromatics or stimulants such as coffee and peppermint at the same moment as you are taking your homeopathic medicine so the two do not interfere with each other.

Which Homeopathic medicine is best for cough and cold?

Primary Remedies

  • Gelsemium.
  • Hydrastis canadensis.
  • Kali bichromicum.
  • Kali iodatum.
  • Kali muriaticum.
  • Mercurius solubilis.
  • Rhus toxicodendron.
  • Sulphur iodatum. This remedy relieves lingering symptoms (cough, nasal congestion) after a severe cold or flu.

Which Homeopathic medicine is best for cough?

Primary Remedies

  • Bryonia. This remedy relieves dry and painful cough, with dry throat and intense thirst.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Pulsatilla.
  • Rumex crispus.
  • Aconitum napellus.
  • Antimonium tartaricum.
  • Belladonna.
  • Chamomilla.

What are the uses of Gelsemium sempervirens 30, 200?

Gelsemium Sempervirens 30, 200 Uses. 1 1-Mind Complaints. Gelsemium is a slow-acting remedy that is used mainly for acute conditions. When affected, the person is dull, tired, and listless. 2 2-Head Complaints. 3 3-Eyes Complaints. 4 4-Ears Complaints. 5 5-Nose Complaints.

What kind of homeopathy is Gelsemium used for?

Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as Gelsemium, is one of the deep-acting and most frequently referred remedies in homeopathy. Gelsemium 30 & Gelsemium 200 are the most commonly used potencies in homeopathy. It has a widespread action, acting upon almost all the parts of the body.

Are there any side effects to taking Gelsemium?

One can feel palpitations through the chest. Gelsemium is well suited to bradycardia of old age. In cases of fluctuating blood pressure, Gelsemium can act as emergency medicine. High systolic pressure, which may at times prove to be life-threatening, can be brought down quickly with the help of Gelsemium.

How is Gelsemium sempervirens related to jaundice?

It has a fixed oil and a phytosternile resin. It also contains a gelseminic acid. Doctrine of Signature: The yellow colour of the flowers of Gelsemium can be related to jaundice as there is – yellowish-white coating on tongue, yellowish colour of the stools, deep yellow leucorrhoea, moist yellow skin, yellow face and yellow saliva.