What is EndoREZ?
The world’s first syringe-delivered, self-priming canal sealer, EndoREZ minimizes the amount of chair time required for obturation. This thixotropic material has an affinity for moisture deep in dentinal tubules and lateral canals,1 providing the most complete seal available.
How do you Obtrate a root canal?
The obturation protocol for conventional root canal obturation includes irrigation with sodium hypochlorite to eliminate the microorganisms, followed by irrigation with a calcium chelator to remove the smear layer; thus, the seared can penetrate the dental tubules and enhance the bonding by producing resin tags.
What is AH plus sealer?
AH Plus is an epoxide-amine resin pulp canal sealer that is an ideal choice where aesthetic demands are high. The material has a perfect working consistency and because it is slightly thixotropic, it flows better under pressure.
What is Bioceramic sealer?
Bioceramic sealers are sealers those contain calcium silicate and/or calcium phosphate as their main compositions, i.e., Endosequence BC Sealer while Hybrid bioceramic sealers are resin-based root canal sealers or other root canal sealers those contain some bioceramic components, i.e., MTA Fillapex.
What is obturation of root canal?
To obturate the canal is effectively blocking the inside of the tooth from the body. This allows the body to heal any infection in the bone outside the roots. The previous dressing that was used from the last visit is washed out. Various materials and methods are used to seal the root canals.
What is hermetic seal in endodontics?
The ultimate goal of endodontic obturation has remained the same for the past 50 years: a true hermetic seal. A seal where there is no leakage coronally, apically, or laterally. A seal that will help ensure endodontic success and thereby maintain root canal therapy as a preferred treatment modality.
How long does Ah plus take to set?
AH Plus is biocompatible and silver free. AH Plus sealer offers a four-hour working time and eight-hour setting time. Its thermoplastic properties make it easy to remove, whether you’re using chemicals or a drill.
What shrinkage do bioceramic sealers exhibit?
Because of the bioceramic sealer does not shrink upon setting which approximately expands 0.002%, has an excellent flowability and dimensional stability. The use of a single-cone filling technique is recommended by studies.
How long have bioceramic sealers been used?
Bioceramic-based sealers have only been available for use in endodontics for the past thirty years, their rise to prominence corresponding to the increased use of bioceramic technology in the fields of medicine and dentistry.
How is the endorez sealer used in a root canal?
Fit EndoREZ ® Points to length. Verify radiographically. Dry the canal space using the Capillary tip and Luer Vacuum Adapter, followed by paper points for 1–2 seconds each (point should be damp 1–3mm at tip). Apical delivery of EndoREZ with NaviTip tip.
Can you use endorez as a sealer alone?
EndoREZ is FDA accepted as a filler as well as a sealer. So, while it can be used alone, we recommend using at least a single cone. This gives an apical plug as well as a guide for post preparation. It may also be used with other filling techniques as a sealer in place of whatever sealer you are currently using.
What kind of resin is used in endodontic obturation?
Although EndoREZ Points are recommended, EndoREZ may be used with all conventional endodontic obturation techniques. EndoREZ contains a special hydrophilic organophosphate methacrylate monomer that increases its hydrophilicity and produces a resin with a strong affinity for moisture with resin penetration of 1200μ into the tubules.