What are formal codes of conduct?

A well-written code of conduct clarifies an organization’s mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. The code articulates the values the organization wishes to foster in leaders and employees and, in doing so, defines desired behavior.

What is an employee code of conduct?

An employee code of conduct (also called a staff code of conduct) is a set of rules about how employees can and can’t behave during work hours. It shares your expectations for how team members will conduct themselves when they’re on the clock.

How do I write an employee code of conduct?

How to write a code of conduct

  1. Your company’s core values.
  2. Compliance with laws.
  3. Rules and policies for: Respect (including harassment, discrimination, and more) Use of company property. Personal appearance (including cleanliness and dress code) Absenteeism and lateness.
  4. Disciplinary actions.
  5. Signature page.

What should be included in a personal code of conduct?

A personal code of conduct is deeply personal and relates specifically to you, the person writing it. This will be the set of behavior rules you live by, guiding every action you take in life. Try to set behavior standards for yourself that are realistic and flexible.

Why does Google have a code of conduct?

The Google Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put Google’s values into practice. It’s built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Google will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct.

What to do if you don’t follow Facebook code of conduct?

Persons who are unsure whether their conduct or the conduct of other Facebook Personnel complies with this code should contact their manager, another Facebook manager, Human Resources, or the Legal Department.