How do you start a Brownie meeting?

Each person introduces her partner by telling the group their partners name and several interesting things about her partner. Next, from the pre-meeting activity, make a priority list of what the girls would like to do during the year. Have a few ideas of your own to start the girls’ thinking.

What activities do you do in brownies?

Brownies is about getting together regularly – often each week – to work on badges, learn new skills, play games and see friends. It’s about trying adventurous activities and going along to special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays.

How do I get the Brownie Quest?

To complete the Brownie QuestJourney, girls must earn four awards: Discover Key; Connect Key; Take Action Key; Brownie Quest Award. The Discover Key and Connect Key Awards prepare girls for their Take Action Project, which leads to the Take Action Key and ultimately the Brownie Quest Award.

How do you end a Brownie meeting?

For closing, often girls gather in a friendship circle and sing “Taps” or “Make New Friends”. Some variations include a friendship circle with the passing of a hand squeeze.

What do Girl Guides do?

A. Guiding is a place where girls and young women can challenge themselves, put their ideas into action, take part in an amazing range of activities, and gain the skills to confidently navigate their world. All in a safe and supportive environment that welcomes every girl.

What is a GS journey?

A Girl Scout Journey is an extended engagement with a topic that culminates in a Take Action project to make the world a better place. Badges are shorter engagements with topics developed more for introducing girls to new experiences and developing specific skills.

What do Brownies do Girl Scouts?

Brownie Girl Scouts you work with their Girl Scout sisters to discover more about themselves, connect with other Brownie Girl Scouts, family, and community members and take action to make the world a better place. Brownie sing songs, do crafts, play games and explore new places and ideas throughout their meetings.

How old do you have to be to do Brownies in Girl Scouts?

We don’t recommend playing the videos at troop meetings—but they’re great if a girl is doing a badge step on her own o r had to miss a session! Girl Scout Brownies is the second level in Girl Scouts and is open to girls in grades 2-3.

What to do with Brownie troop at home?

Talk to your family or Brownie friends about who might want to buy Girl Scout Cookies. Come up with an idea that makes life better—just like entrepreneurs do. If you’ve ever found a new way to use a tool or toy, you’re already an inventor! This activity will help you explore what it means to be an inventor.

What to do with Brownie meet my customer badge?

Brownie Meet My Customer Badge Activity: Seek out your customers! Talk to your family or Brownie friends about who might want to buy Girl Scout Cookies. Come up with an idea that makes life better—just like entrepreneurs do. If you’ve ever found a new way to use a tool or toy, you’re already an inventor!

What to do for the Brownie Suffrage Centennial?

Brownie Suffrage Centennial Activity: Record yourself speaking about why voting is important. Record yourself talking about why you think voting is important. Learn about the legislative branch of the United States.