How is PC tle calculated?

TLE is calculated based on the local area per diem rates, your family size and composition, your actual lodging expenses, and whether your lodging has kitchen facilities. In addition, there is a nightly cap of $290 for total TLE reimbursement (both lodging and meals and incidental expenses).

What is per diem rate for PCS?

The standard per diem rate will increase from $151 to $155 daily. Per diem is a daily payment to reimburse you for the out-of-pocket costs for food, lodging and incidental expenses you incur during a permanent change of station (PCS) move or while on temporary duty.

Do I get per diem with TLE?

Yes, a Service member or dependent must provide itemized lodging receipts to receive Temporary Lodging Expense. Temporary Lodging Expense may be paid for any day that per diem for PCS travel time is not paid, up to 5 or 10 days. See JTR, par 050601-B.

Do you get per diem during TLE?

The maximum is TLE is $290 a day, lodging receipts are required for payment. The lodging portion of your per diem cannot exceed the actual cost….Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)

Number of Persons Occupying Temporary Quarters Percentage Applicable
For each additional dependent age 12 and over, add: 35%

What does askdfas temporary lodging expense ( TLE ) mean?

askDFAS Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) TLE is an allowance intended to partially pay members for lodging/meal expenses incurred by a member/dependent (s) while occupying temporary lodging in the Continental United States (CONUS) in association with a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move.

How much does it cost to stay in a TLE room?

$120/night ($110 plus $10 tax). Each member is authorized TLE NTE $290/day for 10 days. The $120/night lodging cost is the same rate regardless of how many people occupy the room. The members certify that Gov’t Qtrs are not available.

How much does TLE pay for a PCs?

TLE is designed to offset the cost of lodging and meals when a service member and dependents need temporary housing in connection to a PCS. The service member (with dependents) will receive reimbursement for temporary lodging and meal expenses, up to $290 per day.

Is there a limit on TLE reimbursement?

TLE is only authorized in the vicinity of the old/new Permanent Duty Station (PDS); it is not authorized for house hunting. TLE Reimbursement is limited to 10 days for a CONUS to CONUS PCS TLE Reimbursement is limited to 5 days to/from an Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS) PDS