What causes blueberry muffin baby?

The term blueberry muffin baby was initially coined by pediatricians to describe cutaneous manifestations observed in newborns infected with rubella during the American epidemic of the 1960s. These children had generalized hemorrhagic purpuric eruptions that on histopathology showed dermal erythropoiesis.

What disease causes a blueberry muffin rash?

The term blueberry muffin rash is used to describe the clinical presentation of dermal extramedullary hematopoiesis. The common culprits of this rash include a TORCH (toxoplasmosis, other agents, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes) infection or hematologic dyscrasia.

How is CMV diagnosed?

The standard laboratory test for diagnosing congenital CMV infection is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on saliva, with urine usually collected and tested for confirmation. The reason for the confirmatory test on urine is that most CMV seropositive mothers shed CMV in their breast milk.

How long can CMV symptoms last?

Signs and symptoms. Most healthy individuals who have a CMV infection will not have symptoms. However, when symptoms are present, they are often similar to those of glandular fever. Severity and duration can vary but, on average, will last for two to three weeks.

Can I be allergic to blueberries?

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to blueberries may be: Itching. Swelling. Hives, swelling, or redness.