Is it email below or below email?

Use “the email below” (preposition).

How do you refer to emails below?

If the email is below, it is obvious that your email refers to it. If you want to, you could start with eg ‘Thank you for your email’ or ‘Thanks for the information’.. But most people like most email to be short and to the point. If it’s one email, you need ‘the’ (or eg my, this).

Is it correct to say the below?

In short, “the below information” is not generally accepted to be correct, because “below” is not universally acknowledged as an adjective. Nevertheless, some dictionaries specifically list this as an exception. This answer is incorrect.

Which is correct below is or below are?

Yes. “Below” is an adverb so it cannot be the subject of the verb. The subject is “what you need to do” (singular) or “the things you must remember” (plural). “Below” can come either at the beginning or the end.

How do you use below mention?

mentioned below vs below mentioned. If you are going to use the words “below mentioned” as an adjective, you will need a hyphen between them (below-mentioned). The words “mentioned below” do not need a hyphen.

What does the email below refers mean?

This means that the required data is referenced in the email and you are responding to it by sending that data. By contrast, when you say: Referring to the email below, I have sent all the required data to you.

What does further to your email below mean?

phrase. Further to is used in letters in expressions such as ‘further to your letter’ or ‘further to our conversation’, in order to indicate what you are referring to in the letter.

How do you refer to last email?

Use “as mentioned in my previous email” to call attention to the content of a prior message you sent. To sound more friendly, expand the phrase to “as I mentioned in my previous email.” Use this when you would like to provide more information about a previous statement.

How do you use below?

Below is mainly used in cases where an object is not directly under another. We could find something below the surface of the water….To talk about something being covered by something else, we use under.

  1. The cat was sleeping under the blanket.
  2. I felt that he was hiding something under his jacket.

How do you use below in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] Tom has gone below. (
  2. [S] [T] My room is just below. (
  3. [S] [T] It’s six degrees below zero.
  4. [S] [T] It is ten degrees below zero now. (
  5. [S] [T] Tom has a scar just below his left eye. (
  6. [S] [T] Last night, the temperature went down to ten degrees below zero. (
  7. [S] [T] Tom and I went to the same high school.

Do you say Below is a list or below are a list?

Senior Member One list of several things so “Below is the list.” If there’s more than one list, it would be “Below are the lists …”

Is as follows or as below?

They’re used in written texts to indicate something that is about to be explained in more detail, usually in the next paragraph or section. They are very similar in meaning, but if you use “as follows”, then the text you’re referring to should come immediately after it. With “as below”, that’s not quite so necessary.

Can you use below email or email below?

Below Email or Email Below. Below cannot be used attributively, in other words before a noun to qualify it. You should place it after the noun and an article is also needed: the e-mail [which/that is] below. Unlike below, above can be used attributively, so you have a choice: the above e-mail / the e-mail above.

Can you use below or above in a sentence?

Below cannot be used attributively, in other words before a noun to qualify it. You should place it after the noun and an article is also needed: the e-mail [which/that is] below. Unlike below, above can be used attributively, so you have a choice: the above e-mail / the e-mail above

Which is the correct form below or below?

You should place it after the noun and an article is also needed: the e-mail [which/that is] below. The correct form is: the email below. Below is not an adjective, it is an adverb and not an adjective, so cannot modify the noun.

Is the word below an adjective or an adverb?

Below cannot be used attributively, in other words before a noun to qualify it. You should place it after the noun and an article is also needed: the e-mail [which/that is] below. The correct form is: the email below. Below is not an adjective, it is an adverb and not an adjective, so cannot modify the noun.