What is the status of family planning in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, there are 2.6 million married women and 5.1 million unmarried women who wanted to use family planning, but were not able to do so in 2017, according to the National Demographic Health Survey. Eliminating this ‘unmet need’ for family planning is at the heart of UNFPA’s mission.

How does family planning influence population growth?

Family planning helps people have the desired number of children, which as a result improves the health of mothers and contributes to the nation’s social and economic development. As a consequence, the population size of the country has grown dramatically but economic growth has not kept in parallel with it.

Is family planning effective in the Philippines?

PIP: The calendar rhythm method of natural family planning (NFP) is one of the most popular contraceptive methods in the Philippines. As a result, the Philippines has one of the highest NFP prevalence rates in the developing world. The rate of continuation was very similar for pill and rhythm users.

Which country has the highest rate of family planning?

Upper-middle income countries had generally higher modern contraceptive prevalence (figure 9) with the highest level being in China (83 per cent), followed by Brazil, Costa Rica and Thailand (77 per cent).

Why family planning is very important?

Family planning helps protect women from any health risks that may occur before, during or after childbirth. These include high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, infections, miscarriage and stillbirth.

What is the conclusion of family planning?

Conclusion: Family planning benefits all “Committing human and financial resources to improving family planning services will not only improve the health and well-being of women and children, but it will also support efforts to achieve a sustainable global population.”

Why family planning is important in Philippines?

“Research shows that family planning can empower a woman and transform her life, through higher incomes and educational attainment, better health, and greater involvement in her community and in her own household’s affairs,” Osotimehin writes, adding, “Family planning is clearly one of the most critically important …

How is the growth of population in the Philippines at present?

The current population in the Philippines is about 110 million people. The annual population growth rate has decreased significantly since 1960 where it was 3.3% to now where it is about 1.3%. With about 2 million people added to the population every year, the population is expected to double in about 40 years.

What is the effectiveness of family planning?

If natural family planning instructions are carefully followed, this method can be up to 99% effective. This means that 1 to 9 women in 100 who use natural family planning correctly will get pregnant. But if natural family planning methods are not quite followed correctly, more women will get pregnant.

What are the outcomes of poor family planning?

There is a vicious cycle of high child mortality and lack of family planning leading to high fertility rates and maternal deaths. High child mortality is not only a cause but also a consequence of lack of family planning. This vicious cycle can be broken by lowering child mortality and using family planning.

What country has the lowest rate of family planning?

The lowest levels of use can be found in many of the world’s poorest countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where fewer than 15 percent of married women of reproductive age use a modern method.

Which country uses the least condoms?

As of that year, Niger had the lowest prevalence of condom use among men worldwide….Countries with the lowest prevalence of condom use among its male population as of 2013*

Characteristic Percentage of males aged 15-49
Uganda 19%
Nigeria 20%

Is there a family planning survey in the Philippines?

The 2000 Family Planning Survey (FPS) is a nationwide survey aimed at collecting information on contraceptive use in the Philippines in 2000. It is the fifth in a series of annual family planning surveys that the NSO has conducted from 1995 to 2000, with funding assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

How old is the average woman in the Philippines?

Read more about Contraceptive Use Among Filipino Women (Based from the Results of the 2011 Family Health Survey) Almost half of currently married 15-49 years old women in the Philippines use a family planning method, according to the 2005 Family Planning Survey (FPS).

What was the National Family Planning rate in 2017?

To increase modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) among all women from 24.9% in 2017 to 30% by 2022 To reduce the unmet need for modern family planning from 10.8% in 2017 to 8% by 2022

How many women are using modern contraceptives in the Philippines?

Meanwhile, the National Capital Region had a significant decline in modern contraceptive use. Thirty-five percent or about one-third of married women in the country are using modern contraceptive methods, according to the 2004 Family Planning Survey (FPS). This proportion is the same as that recorded in the 2002 FPS.