How do I get a USPA license?

To obtain a USPA A license, you must complete a minimum of 25 skydives, successfully pass all the requirements on the A license proficiency card and pass the written and oral A license exam.

What is a USPA a license?

The United States Parachute Association (USPA) is tasked with promoting safety in skydiving and setting the training and licensing standards for skydivers in the USA. Once an “A” license is obtained, skydivers can continue to advance in the sport by earning more advanced skydiving licenses and ratings.

What is the recommended minimum break off altitude for freefall groups of five or fewer?

i. Groups of five or fewer, break off should be 1500 ft higher than the highest planned deployment altitude in the group. ii. Groups of six or more, break off should be at least 2000 ft higher than the highest planned deployment in the group.

What effect does pulling on the front risers have on the canopy?

Pulling down the front risers too much will not help your canopy go any more quickly; you’ll only deform the canopy and make it less aerodynamic.

How many skydives can you do in a day?

More commonly, the average weekend warrior makes 4-6 skydives on a relaxed jump day, packing for him or herself; while competitive teams on a training day will pay a packer and make 10-16 jumps.

What is your minimum opening altitude?

Within those Basic Safety Requirements, the USPA breaks down the minimum opening altitudes by license level. For new A-license holders, that’s 3,000′ above the ground; for slightly more experienced B-license holders, 2,500′.

What is the second priority of your landing priorities?

Landing Priorities 2. Land in a clear and open area, avoiding obstacles. 3. Flare to at least half brakes.

How many pages are on a USPA license proficiency card?

USPA A License Proficiency Card (1 page) (This is the 1-page shorter version of the two A license cards available) The A license proficiency card was developed for drop zones that use their own student training program to train students to the A-license skill level.

How much does it cost to get a USPA license?

USPA will charge a separate license fee for each license number issued. received the signature and official stamp on the USPA A License Proficiency Card or USPA A License Progression Card (ISP) which validates the A license for a 60-day time limit following the completion of the card

Do you need a USPA license to jump?

License qualifications made during military training jumps and all the dive flows and ground training requirements outlined in the USPA ISP must be properly recorded on the USPA A license progression card or higher license application for that USPA license and verified by the appropriate USPA official.

How can I verify my USPA B license?

USPA Instructors may verify A, B, and C licenses. SAs, I/Es, and USPA Board members may verify any license application. Every USPA B license must also include a completed and signed copy of the Canopy Piloting Proficiency Card. The completed Canopy Proficiency Card must be signed by a current USPA SA, Examiner, or USPA board member.