How much does food cost on Amtrak trains?

Meals in the dining car on Amtrak are included for sleeper car passengers. You are provided with breakfast lunch and dinner, whichever apply to your journey as well as water, soft drinks, juice and coffee. Other meal and snack options are available in the cafe, prices range from $3 to about $10 per meal.

Does the Amtrak Texas Eagle have a dining car?

Traditional dining service is provided in the Dining Car on the Auto Train, California Zephyr, Coast Starlight, Empire Builder, Southwest Chief, Sunset Limited, and Texas Eagle (between San Antonio and Los Angeles). Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served.

Where is the snack car on Amtrak?

All trains feature a Café Car near the middle of the train and located on the upper level. Riders are permitted to bring pre-prepared food and non-alcoholic beverages on-board to consume at your own seat.

How much do you tip Amtrak sleeper car attendant?

While tipping isn’t required, leaving a gratuity is the norm. Usually, for one night in a sleeper, I suggest about $10 per person/per night. If your room attendant brings your meals to you in your room, then think about adding more to the tip as you would have left a tip anyway for the dining car waiter.

How much is a Coke on Amtrak?

The reason: the difference between Amtrak’s costs and what it charges passengers. For example, taking overhead into account, each cheeseburger costs Amtrak $16.15 and each can of soda costs $3.40. But Amtrak charges passengers only $9.50 and $2 for those items.

What to do on the Texas Eagle train?

On board the Texas Eagle. Amtrak’s Texas Eagle is equipped with bi-level Superliner cars and staffed with a crew dedicated to your comfort. Stretch out in a coach seat or snuggle into a sleeping compartment, enjoy a meal in the Dining Car, head over to the lounge for scenery or conversation.

When does the dining car start on Amtrak?

Customers on routes with traditional dining service can make reservations for lunch and dinner — served in the Dining Car or by complimentary in-room service. Effective June 23, 2021, the Dining Car will offer communal seating, providing a unique opportunity to dine with a fellow rider. Final seatings at 9:30 am, 2:30 pm, 9:00 pm respectively.

What kind of seats does the Texas Eagle have?

The social center of the Texas Eagle, this car features swivel seats, wraparound windows, beverage and snack service. The upper level features comfortable, casual seating, and wraparound windows for an incomparable view of the scenery by day and the stars by night.

Do you pay for meals on an Amtrak train?

All meals for passengers with sleeping accommodations and all Auto Train passengers are included in the price of the train ticket. Traditional Dining | Amtrak skip to Content skip to Navigation