How do you do the Lib stunt in cheer dance?

For cheerleading liberty stunts, the count may be like:

  1. Get in position.
  2. As a unit, all members dip down.
  3. As a unit, all members push off.
  4. The bases push the flyer upward over their heads until their arms lock into a straight position.
  5. The liberty is performed.
  6. The stunt holds.
  7. The dismount begins.

How do you hit a Lib cheer?

When you “hit the Lib,” you should think about lifting your leg, NOT your foot. Your foot will obviously come up underneath you, but that should be a result of the leg lifting and not the other way around. Also, think about lifting you thigh so that it becomes flat like a table, instead of lifting your knee.

Do ankle weights help cheer jumps?

Practicing your jumps each day is the best way to see improvement quickly. Ankle weights are a great drill “assistant” as well. Simply put some light ankle weights on and do a few sets of jumps. In no time, you’ll see serious improvement in the overall performance of your jumps, and you’ll build muscle, too!

How to do a Lib in cheerleaders?

How to Do a Lib in Cheerleading. It is a one-leg skill, meaning the flyer stands on one leg, requiring strength, balance and skill to execute and hold. The liberty, also known as a lib, forms a foundation for more advanced one-leg stunts, such as the heel stretch, arabesque and scorpion. If a liberty is held below prep level,…

What makes Liberty cheerleading a one leg stunt?

The liberty cheerleading stunt has become a yardstick by which to measure the ability of a stunt team. It is a one-leg skill, meaning the flyer stands on one leg, requiring strength, balance and skill to execute and hold.

What do you need to know about cheer stunts?

Flyers must be aware of their position and center of gravity at all times in order to avoid contact with other flyers, as well as put the least amount of strain on the base. Spotters: Spotters hold an extremely important position during cheers stunts. These are the people who watch the flyers.

What kind of stunt is the Liberty in Star Trek?

The liberty, also known as a lib, forms a foundation for more advanced one-leg stunts, such as the heel stretch, arabesque and scorpion. If a liberty is held below prep level, it is a United States All Star Federation Level One stunt. At prep level, it becomes a Level Two stunt and held at extension, it is Level Three.