What is 1 reason for the Spanish conquest of Mexico?

The conquest of Mexico began with an expedition to search for gold on the American mainland. In 1519 Cortés led about 450 men to Mexico and made his way from Veracruz on the Gulf Coast to the island city of Tenochtitlan, the stunningly beautiful Aztec capital situated in Lake Texcoco.

How does the Spanish conquest relate to Mexico?

The Spanish conquistador led an expedition to present-day Mexico, landing in 1519. Although the Spanish forces numbered some 500 men, they managed to capture Aztec Emperor Montezuma II. The city later revolted, forcing Cortés and his men to retreat.

What were the 4 reason why the Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish?

The overthrow of the Aztec Empire by Cortez and his expedition rests on three factors: The fragility of that empire, the tactical advantages of Spanish technology, and smallpox.

What was the impact of the Spanish conquest of Latin America?

When the Spanish conquered the Americas, they brought in their own religion. Hundreds of Native Americans converted to Christianity. Churches, monasteries, shrines and parishes were built. This was one of the Spanish’s main goals in colonization, as well as giving Spain more power.

Who won the Spanish conquest?

Between 1519 and 1521, Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, overthrew the Aztec Empire. This event is called the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.

Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Aztecs and Incas?

The Spanish were able to defeat the Aztec and the Inca not only because they had horses, dogs, guns, and swords, but also because they brought with them germs that made many native Americans sick. Diseases like smallpox and measles were unknown among the natives; therefore, they had no immunity to them.

How did Spanish enter Mexico?

Spanish immigration to Mexico began in the early 1500s and spans to the present day. In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown and by 1521 secured the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.

How were the Spanish able to conquer the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortes was able to conquer the Aztec Empire by scaring the natives with the 16 horses, gaining alliances with the other enemies of the Aztec, having superior and better weapons than the natives (like guns), having armor, and having steel.

Why was the Spanish conquest successful?

The first and primary reason was wealth and power. They did not care too much for the people who were poor and those who gained the most fame were not what one would consider missionaries. Cortes conquered the Aztecs and in doing so secured himself a fortune.

What were the effects of the Spanish conquest of the Americas quizlet?

Spanish conquests in the Americas would bring changes to peoples and cultures around the world. An immediate result was the flow of treasure from the Americas to Spain. The Spanish melted down gold and silver statues and ornaments taken from the Aztecs and Incas.

How were the Spanish able to conquer and colonize the Americas?

Spanish conquistadors, who were primarily poor nobles from the impoverished west and south of Spain, were able to conquer the huge empires of the New World with the help of superior military technology, disease (which weakened indigenous resistance), and military tactics including surprise attacks and powerful …