What is Catalan pan?

Pa amb tomàquet (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈpam tuˈmakət]), or Pan con tomate in Spanish (“Bread with tomato”), is a traditional food of Catalan, Valencian, Aragonese, Balearic and Murcian cuisines in Spain. Pa amb tomàquet is considered a staple of Catalan cuisine and identity.

How do you say pan con tomate?

Pan con tomate, also called pa amb tomàquet (pronounced “pam two-mah-cat”), might be loosely referred to as “tomato toast” or “tomato bread,” but it is literally, “bread with tomato”.

Where does pan con tomate originate from?

The first written reference to pan con tomate is in 1884 in rural Catalonia where stale bread was rubbed with tomato and drizzled with olive oil in order to soften it. The rest of Spain clearly realized how easy, economical and delicious tomato bread is and developed their own variation.

What is a Spanish tomato?

The Spanish tomate comes from the Aztec tomatl. But because they are part of the nightshade family of plants, which are poisonous, Europeans were suspicious of the new fruit and used them as decorative plants. It took almost 200 years for tomatoes to become an integral part of Spanish cuisine.

How do you pronounce tomate?

How To Say It

  1. tomates.
  2. toh/maht.

What are tapas name a type of tapa popular in Spain?


Name Description
Chorizo a la sidra Chorizo sausage slowly cooked in cider
Croquetas A common sight in bar counters and homes across Spain, served as a tapa, a light lunch, or a dinner along with a salad
Empanadillas Large or small turnovers filled with meats and vegetables

Where is Andura?

Andorra, officially the Principality of Andorra, is a sovereign landlocked microstate on the Iberian Peninsula, in the eastern Pyrenees, bordered by France to the north and Spain to the south.

Why are tomatoes in Spain so good?

The Spanish tomate comes from the Aztec tomatl. Spaniards love tomatoes so much they celebrate them with the traditional Tomatina food fight festival, held in Valencia later this month. With such a tomato culture, it’s no surprise that Spanish growers produce some of the tastiest varieties in the world.

What is a jitomate?

It’s a blend of chopped raw chilli, tomato, onion, coriander leaves and Mexican lime juice. The jitomate part refers to tomato. In Mexican Spanish jitomate is a tomato with a belly button. A Mexican tomato is what we would call a tomatillo.

What is one of the main tapas dishes of Spain?

Boquerones en Vinagre, Across Spain One of the most traditional tapas in Spain, anchovies marinated in vinegar, garlic, and oil; these are a favorite among many.

What’s the best way to make pan tumaca?

Rub each bread slice with a garlic clove, spoon the grated tomato pulp, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt. Start by cutting the tomatoes in half and grating all the pulp out into a bowl. Cut the bread into one-inch thick slices, drizzle with some oil and lightly toast on a dry pan or char grill pan.

What kind of food is pantumaca in Spain?

Pantumaca, or ‘pa amb tomàquet’ as it is known in Catalan, is a very common dish and is most often served as a tapa or ración. However, many people eat this Spanish dish as a snack during the day, or even as part of their breakfast.

Which is the best way to make pantumaca?

Cut the garlic cloves in half and rub well on the crunchy bread. Cut the tomatoes in half and rub on the bread so it soaks in its pulp Sprinkle salt to taste Pour a little olive oil You can top it with fine slices of Serrano ham Pantumacais easy and quick to make and in Catalonia its consumption is almost a religion.