Should you see a neurologist after a stroke?

Vascular neurology is the specialized treatment of strokes and stroke risk factors. You may need to see a vascular neurologist during or after a stroke, or if you are at risk of having a stroke.

Do neurologists work with stroke patients?

Traditionally the neurologist has been the key clinician involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with stroke. And because a great many neurologists prefer to practice almost exclusively in the outpatient setting, a team of providers in the hospital must handle the current stroke care volume.

When should I see a vascular neurologist?

You should also seek care from a vascular neurologist under the following situations: You need specialized tests or procedures of the blood vessels of the brain or spinal cord. You have serious cerebrovascular risk factors. Your primary doctor or specialist finds a vascular abnormality that needs further evaluation.

What can a neurologist do for a stroke patient?

As a stroke specialist, vascular neurologists can provide both emergency and ongoing care for stroke patients….As part of the hospital team, vascular neurologists:

  • Quickly and accurately interpret diagnostic tests such as:
  • Recommend treatment next steps after a stroke has been confirmed.

What can a neurologist do after a stroke?

Because neurologists are specially trained to understand brain function and anatomy, as well as different types of strokes, they can help you understand what caused your stroke and develop steps to reduce the risk of a future stroke.

What do neurologist do for stroke patients?

A vascular neurologist specializes in diagnosing, treating and managing conditions of cerebrovascular disease, which are conditions that affect the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord. Stroke is the most common cerebrovascular disease – hence the “stroke doctor” nickname.

How does a neurologist diagnose a stroke?

Computed tomography (CT) scan. A CT scan of the head is usually one of the first tests used for a stroke. A CT scan can show bleeding in the brain or damage to brain cells. The CT scan also can find other problems that can cause stroke symptoms.

Can a brain heal itself after stroke?

Fortunately, damaged brain cells are not beyond repair. They can regenerate — this process of creating new cells is called neurogenesis. The most rapid recovery usually occurs during the first three to four months after a stroke. However, recovery can continue well into the first and second year.

What questions should I ask my neurologist after a stroke?

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Stroke

  • What caused my stroke?
  • What can I do to reduce my risk?
  • Am I getting the rehabilitation services I will need to achieve my goals?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What kinds of health specialists are going to be a part of my stroke recovery team?

What hospital is best for stroke?


  • Baptist Medical Center East.
  • Baptist Medical Center South.
  • Carteret Health Care.
  • Catawba Valley Medical Center.
  • Hoag Hospital Newport Beach.
  • Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital.
  • Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center & Clinic.
  • Mercy Iowa City. 500 E Market Street.

Which side is worse for a stroke?

The terms Left Brain Stroke and Right Brain Stroke refer to the side of the brain where the obstruction causing the stroke occurs. There is not a worse or better side to have a stroke on as both sides control many important functions, but a more severe stroke will result in amplified effects.

Should patients with stroke see a neurologist?

Some stroke survivors may need to see their Neurologist on an ongoing basis. If things change and you have new neurological symptoms or you notice an exacerbation of old stroke deficits, then you need to see a Neurologist again. It doesn’t matter how many years since your stroke.

Is stroke a cardiac problem or neuro problem?

The neurocardiac axis is the link to many problems regarding the physiological functions of the body. This includes cardiac ischemia, stroke, epilepsy, and most importantly, heart arrhythmias and cardiac myopathies. Many of these problems are due to the imbalance of the nervous system, resulting in symptoms that affect both the heart and the brain.

How do strokes cause neurological damage?

Just as we need to breathe keep alive, the tissues in our body need the oxygen provided by blood to stay alive. Strokes, unfortunately, can quickly cause neurological damage because brain tissue is deprived of oxygen. A diagram of an ischemic stroke and a hemorrhagic stroke.

What kind of Doctor treats stroke patients?

Doctors, such as a neurologist (a doctor who treats conditions of the nervous system such as stroke), a physiatrist (a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation) and internists.