What are the 2 major HIV tests?

Types of HIV Tests

  • A NAT looks for the actual virus in the blood and involves drawing blood from a vein.
  • An antigen/antibody test looks for both HIV antibodies and antigens.
  • HIV antibody tests only look for antibodies to HIV in your blood or oral fluid.

Which blood test is most accurate and confirming the presence of HIV?

The Western blot test separates the blood proteins and detects the specific proteins (called HIV antibodies) that indicate an HIV infection. The Western blot is used to confirm a positive ELISA, and the combined tests are 99.9% accurate.

Can I use HIV test twice?

Once the window period has elapsed (two months after possible exposure to HIV), if you test twice, using a different test device on each occasion, and both tests give a negative result, you can be confident that the result is accurate.

How accurate is Elisa test after 8 weeks?

The test highly accurate after 4 weeks, and almost 100% accurate after 8 weeks. If you have had unprotected sex or shared injecting equipment in the last 6-8 weeks, we recommend you take another test in 6 weeks to be sure of your status. This test result is for you.

Are there any fun quizzes for HIV and AIDS?

Try our quizzes and find out! Learning about HIV and sex should be fun, interactive and enjoyable. Whether you want to challenge yourself to a quiz, or are a teacher looking for ways to get your students engaged in the classroom, our quizzes are here to help. Put yourself to the test, with our condoms quiz.

What’s the best way to learn about HIV and AIDS?

Learning about HIV and sex should be fun, interactive and enjoyable. Whether you want to challenge yourself to a quiz, or are a teacher looking for ways to get your students engaged in the classroom, our quizzes are here to help. Put yourself to the test, with our condoms quiz.

What to do if your HIV test is positive?

If your test result is positive, go to a health care provider for follow-up testing. Some people have difficulty in conducting a rapid self-test and the test does not perform as it should. If a rapid HIV self-test is invalid as described in the instructions, then the test has not worked.

What should I expect when I use a mail-in HIV self-test?

If a rapid HIV self-test is invalid as described in the instructions, then the test has not worked. In this case, you will need to use another rapid self-test, a mail-in self-test, or seek testing at a health care provider or testing center. What should I expect when I use a mail-in HIV self-test?