What are the different types of landing gear?

Landing gear usually comes in three basic wheel arrangements: conventional, tandem and tricycle-type. Beyond this, landing gear is then classified as either fixed or retractable. Fixed landing gear hangs underneath an aircraft during flight, whereas retractable landing gear is stowed inside an aircraft during flight.

What are the 4 types of landing gear?

There are 4 basic categories of Landing Gear that General Aviation planes use: Tricycle, Tail-Wheel (Conventional), Pontoons, and Skis. Tricycle Gear planes are by far the most common, as they are only marginally heavier than the older Tail-Wheel design but have several advantages.

What is aircraft landing gears?

Landing gear is the undercarriage of an aircraft or spacecraft and may be used for either takeoff or landing. For aircraft, the landing gear supports the craft when it is not flying, allowing it to take off, land, and taxi without damage.

What are the two types of landing gear configuration?

There are two basic configurations of airplane landing gear: conventional gear or tail wheel gear and the tricycle gear.

What are landing gears made of?

This is why the landing gear is usually made of steel, which is robust, but heavy (which is why it is not used on other parts of the plane). Some parts are also made of titanium alloys. The wheels are often made of very thick rubber to help absorb shock and decelerate the plane as it lands.

What is pontoon type landing gear?

The gear features pontoons for water landing with extendable wheels for landings on hard surfaces. A similar system is used to allow the use of skis and wheels on aircraft that operate on both slippery, frozen surfaces and dry runways. Typically, the skis are retractable to allow use of the wheels when needed.

Which alloy is used in landing gear?

Titanium alloys are used in several aircraft components such as landing gears, engine parts, springs, flap tracks, tubes for pneumatic systems and fuselage parts3-5.

What metal is used in landing gear?

Landing gears are generally “safe life” components and are replaced many times during the service life of an aircraft. Traditional metallic materials used in landing gear structures are Aluminum, Titanium and steel alloys.

What is tailwheel type landing gear?

Tailwheel-type landing gear systems have a tail wheel that’s placed behind the airplane’s center of gravity, resulting in less drag being created. Tail-wheel type landing gear systems are better suited for rough and uneven runways than other types of landing gear systems.

What material are landing gears?

Landing gear materials must therefore have high static strength, good fracture toughness, and fatigue strength, and the most commonly used materials are high-strength steel and Ti-alloy.

•Types: – Floats to land on water (may have wheels inside the floats) – Skis to land on snow and ice (can usually be retracted) – Wheels for hard surfaces (may be retractable) •Layouts: – Tail dragger (older transport and some light aircraft) – Bicycle (Harrier) – Tricycle (most modern aircraft)

How is CAD used in the development of landing gear?

Many commercially available CAD/ CAM/CAE/CFD and Dynamic Simulation software tools are used in the design and development of landing gear. These tools have helped in virtual product development of landing gear before actual prototype is being fabricated. These help to improve designs with reduced cycle time and cost.

Which is better skid or wheel landing gear?

Skid type landing gear is, simple, lighter from weight point of view, involving lesser maintenance and cheaper, but is difficult for ground handling since separate ground handling system is needed and difficult to cater for higher crashworthiness. Wheel type landing gear is, Complex and heavier from weight point of view.

How much does a helicopter landing gear weigh?

In bigger aircrafts like Boeing 747, the landing gear weight alone is as high as 15 tonnes. But Wheel brakes of landing gear for helicopter is relatively lighter due to less or no forward velocity of the helicopter while landing and also due to the lower weight of the helicopter compared to the fixed wing aircrafts.