What are the dimensions of a Bokken?

Kodachi: Total length, approx. 55 cm; tsuka (handle) approx. 14 cm.

How long is a Bokken inches?

The length of the sword ranges from 40 – 42 inches The bokken is made from flexible bamboo, and is deadly in the hands of a regular sword user.

What is the best wood for Bokken?

Hon Biwa (Japanese loquat): Eriobotrya japonica, or Japanese loquat, is an extremely strong and resilient wood. This is undoubtably the best wood species for making Bokken and wooden weapons used during full contact training.

How much should a Bokken weight?

Most beginners start their Budo journey with a “standard” Bokken, i.e. a red or white oak, 101.5 cm long weapon that weighs about 500 ~ 600g.

Can you spar with a bokken?

A word of caution, though, bokken aren’t used for sparring (practice fighting) because they can inflict serious injury. Sparring should be done with a shinai. If you are interested in primarily sparring, then, you need to get a shinai, which is a bamboo weapon that represents a Japanese sword.

How thick should a wooden katana be?

Katanas actually have a very simple guard, shaped like an oval. A thin piece of wood is used for a simple guard, such as used on a katana, usually about 1/4” thick.

How do you size a Jo?

There is a rule, and exceptions to it when deciding the size of a jo (medium length staff used in Aikido), Jodo and other sword/staff practices. The rule (and this comes from ancient times) is that the jo is cylindrical in shape and has specific proportions of 50 1/4″ x 15/16″.

How much does a bokken cost?

BOKKEN (wooden sword) – average cost of $30.00 A bokken is a wooden version of a sharp steel sword. Originally used in feudal Japan by the samurai for training to reduce injuries. Students practice using the bokken when performing the techniques found in Kendo Kata.

Is a bokken sharp?

Overview of the Bokken The term “bokken” literally means “wood sword.” Unlike the shinken, the bokken isn’t made of metal, nor does it feature a live blade. Instead, it’s made entirely or mostly of wood, meaning it can’t feature a sharp edge.

What is the difference between bokken and shinai?

The light, soft wood used in a shinai distinguishes it from other wooden swords such as a bokken, which is generally made of heavier, sturdier wood.

What is the diameter of Jo staff?

about 1″
The wooden staff of Japan, or “Jo”, is a cylindrical straight stick of unassuming character with a length ranging from about 50″ to 56″ and a diameter of about 1″. It is used alone in kata or paired with other Jo and closely linked historically with the Japanese sword.

How big of a bokken do you need for kendo?

Most of you start practicing with a so called standard” Bokken, that is to say, red or white oak, 101.5 cm of length and about 500-600g. This Bokken is actually a Bokken designed for Kendo Kata.

Which is more important thickness or weight of bokken?

The thickness and weight of the weapon play a major role in its usage. It could even be considered its most important feature, more important even than its length. It is indeed harder to be precise with a light Bokken than a heavy one. A lighter model allows for more finesse, all in precision and swiftness .

What’s the average length of a bokken blade?

The various lengths of classic and stylized Bokken (Koryu) *Length might vary depending on the user, used in “standard” 101.5 cm until a more suited length is found. Please note that the blade/tsuka length ratio can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

What makes a bokken a good bokken weapon?

If choosing one’s Bokken is an easy task for a beginner, it is a much harder endeavor for veterans in need of a tool able to support the focus of their work. The weight, length, species of wood but also the curvature and thickness of the Bokken play a determining role in the weapon’s behavior during practice.

What are the dimensions of a bokken?

The various lengths of classic and stylized Bokken (Koryu)

Model Total length Tsuka length
Standard/Deluxe Bokken 101.5 cm 26 cm
Iwama Bokken 103 cm 27 cm
Iwama Takemusu Bokken 101.5 cm 26.5 cm
Niten Ichi Ryu Bokken 101.5 cm 25.5 cm

What are the dimensions of a katana?


Katana (刀)
Produced Nanboku-chō period (1336-1392) which corresponds to the early Muromachi period (1336–1573) to present
Mass 1.1–1.5 kg
Blade length Approx. 60–80 cm (23.62–31.5 in)

What wood is a bokken made of?

Bokken are traditionally composed of red oak or white oak, although any hard wood can be used. In comparison, practice swords made of flexible, soft wood such as bamboo are referred to as a shinai.

How much should a bokken weight?

Most beginners start their Budo journey with a “standard” Bokken, i.e. a red or white oak, 101.5 cm long weapon that weighs about 500 ~ 600g.

Did Samurai use shinai?

Samurai worked for their lords, protecting and fighting for them using weapons such as swords, spears, bows and arrows. In the Edo period, bamboo swords (called shinai) and protective gear became popular for training.

What size shinai should I use?

The first thing you need to know is what size of Shinai is suitable for you….A Beginners Guide To Shinai.

Age Group Shinai Size
Junior High School – 12-15 years 114cm of less – Size 37
Senior High School – 15-18 years 117cm or less – Size 38
University & Adults – 18 years + 120cm or less – Size 39

How long is a naginata?


Naginata (なぎなた, 薙刀)
Blade length overall length ca. 205–260 cm. Blade length is ca. 85–100 cm.
Blade type Curved, single-edged
Hilt type wood, horn, lacquer
Scabbard/sheath Lacquered wood