Which country has the best drug policy?

Drug law reformers often point to the Netherlands as a model example as the best to handle drug usage and addiction. Taken together, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Germany all focus on the ability of drug addicts to seek treatment, while at the same time enforcing laws to prevent drug trafficking.

What countries decriminalized all drugs?

Portugal. In 2001, Portugal became the first European country to abolish all criminal penalties for personal drug possession, under Law 30/2000. In addition, drug users were to be provided with therapy rather than prison sentences.

What is the country with the most drugs?

New Zealand and Iran have been named as the countries with the highest rates of treatment for drug addiction in the world – but for incredibly different types of substances, namely cannabis and opioids respectively.

What country has the strictest drug laws?

The 20 Countries with the Harshest Drug Laws in the World

  • Malaysia. In Malaysia, those who sell drugs can be punished with death.
  • China. In China, if you are caught with drugs, you could be forced to attend drug rehab in a facility run by the government.
  • Vietnam.
  • Iran.
  • Thailand.
  • Dubai.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Singapore.

Are all drugs legal in Amsterdam?

Dutch Drug Policy All drugs are forbidden in the Netherlands. It is illegal to produce, possess, sell, import and export drugs. However, the government designed a drug policy with tolerates smoking cannabis under strict terms and conditions.

Is drugs banned in India?

It came into force on 14 November 1985 as THE NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES ACT, 1985 (shortened to NDPS Act). Under the NDPS Act, it is illegal for a person to produce/manufacture/cultivate, possess, sell, purchase, transport, store, and/or consume any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

What country has the most drug cartels?

As of 2021, the Sinaloa Cartel remains Mexico’s most dominant drug cartel. However, various sources alleged that internal conflicts for the cartel’s leadership had recently broken out between the Guzmán and Zambada factions of the organization.

Are drugs legal in Germany?

The drug policy of Germany is considered to be more lenient than that of many other EU countries but still stricter than that of the Netherlands. In 1994, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that drug addiction and the possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use were not crimes.

Is bhang illegal in India?

It is legal in many parts of India and mainly sold during Holi, when pakoras containing bhang are also sometimes eaten. Uttar Pradesh has licensed bhang shops, and in many places in India one can buy bhang products and drink bhang lassis. Some states such as Bihar and West Bengal also allow the production of bhang.