What is MD in Col MD?

col-lg- stands for column large ≥ 1200px. col-md- stands for column medium ≥ 992px. col-xs- stands for column extra small ≥ 768px. The pixel numbers are the breakpoints, so for example col-xs is targeting the element when the window is smaller than 768px(likely mobile devices)…

What is Col-Md-6 Col-Md-offset-3?

Say you only want to take up half the div but want to centre the content then you can do col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 This will make a div of 6 cols wide and offset it by 3. So the content starts 3 cols in and then goes for 6 cols.

How many columns are in Bootstrap’s grid layout?

twelve column
Use our powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system, five default responsive tiers, Sass variables and mixins, and dozens of predefined classes.

What does COL auto class mean?

Using class=”col” will automatically make the columns equal in size. But if you want some column(s) to resize depending on its/there content(s), use something like class=”col-auto” .

What is the difference between Col SM and COL-MD?

If you choose col-sm, then the columns will become horizontal when the width is >= 768px. If you choose col-md, then the columns will become horizontal when the width is >= 992px. If you choose col-lg, then the columns will become horizontal when the width is >= 1200px.

What is Col-Md offset?

Offset means: Move columns to the right using the . col-md-offset-* classes. These classes increase the left margin of a column by * columns. For example col-md-offset-3 increases the left margin by 3 for medium devices.

What is Col MD 4?

col-md-4: This class is used when the device size is medium or greater than 768px and the maximum width of container is 720px and you want the width equal to 4 columns. col-xs-1: This class is used when the device size is extra small (mobile) and when you want the width to be equal to 1 column.

What is the difference between Col SM and COL MD?

What is Col-MD-4?

What does Col-MD 4 mean?

What is the difference between Col-MD and Col-SM?

If you choose col-md, then the columns will stack when the width is < 992px. If you choose col-sm, then the columns will stack when the width is < 768px. If you choose col-xs, then the columns will never stack.

What does Col-MD-4 mean?

How big is a Coast Guard layout boat?

The boat is US Coast Guard rated for 300lbs, which is the highest capacity rating of any boat in it’s class. Safety is priority #1 which is why we not only put foam in the bow & stern of the boat, but also down the sides of the boat, to give you the maximum amount of flotation that can be put in.

Where are the decoys on the layout boat?

Brightly painted drake canvasback, redhead, or bluebill decoys are spaced about 15 to 20 feet apart on the pipeline to attract divers trading over open water from great distances. “I usually position the last decoy on the downwind end of the pipeline about 90 yards from the layout boat-nearly twice effective shotgun range,” he says.

Is the Revolution a two man layout boat?

This two-man layout boat has so many new ideas we had to call it the Revolution. We didn’t compromise on the traditional Lake Erie lay-out styling that has made our boats so successful in the past, we still have the long, low deck profile, and adjustable spray shields.

How big is a layout boat for sale?

Handles some decent size waves and isn’t overly heavy.750$ oboCall/ text 9two0-8fiveone-65eight5Duck hunting open water diver puddle green bay lay out boat openwater decoys decoy Kara style layout boat for sale. It is plywood with fiberglass coating. It is 13 ft long and 48 in wide. It has a 6 1/2 ft cockpit. It has steel runners on the bottom.