What is NG-if in AngularJS?

The ng-if Directive in AngularJS is used to remove or recreate a portion of HTML element based on an expression. The ng-if is different from ng-hide because it completely removes the element in the DOM rather than just hiding the display of the element.

How do I write an if statement in AngularJS?

7 Answers. You can use ng-if to achieve if(){..} else{..} in angularJs. Change your html code little bit and try this hope so it will be work for you. ng-else concept is not there, you can with only if, or other flavor like switch statement.

What is the difference between Ng-if and Ng show in AngularJS?

ng-if can only render data whenever the condition is true. It doesn’t have any rendered data until the condition is true. ng-show can show and hide the rendered data, that is, it always kept the rendered data and show or hide on the basis of that directives.

Where can be ngIf directive applied?

The *ngIf directive moves to the where it becomes a property binding in square brackets, [ngIf] . The rest of the , including its class attribute, moves inside the .

What is data Ng-if?

Definition and Usage. The ng-if directive removes the HTML element if the expression evaluates to false. If the if statement evaluates to true, a copy of the Element is added in the DOM.

What is the use of NG-if directive?

The ngIf directive removes or recreates a portion of the DOM tree based on an {expression}. If the expression assigned to ngIf evaluates to a false value then the element is removed from the DOM, otherwise a clone of the element is reinserted into the DOM.

What is data Ng if?

How do you use else and ngIf?

The ngIf directive syntax looks like this:

  1. Content to render when condition is true.
  2. Content to render when condition is true.
  3. Content to render when condition is true.

What is the difference between ngIf and Ngshow?

ng-show (and its sibling ng-hide ) toggle the appearance of the element by adding the CSS display: none style. ng-if , on the other hand, actually removes the element from the DOM when the condition is false and only adds the element back once the condition turns true .

What is the difference between ngIf and hidden?

ngIf will comment out the data if the expression is false. This way the data are not even loaded, causing HTML to load faster. [hidden] will load the data and mark them with the hidden HTML attribute. This way data are loaded even if they are not visible.

Why We Use * Before ngIf?

The asterisk is “syntactic sugar”. It simplifies ngIf and ngFor for both the writer and the reader. Under the hood, Angular replaces the asterisk version with a more verbose form. Most of us would rather write in style (A).

What does * ngIf mean?

The NgIf directive is used when you want to display or remove an element based on a condition. We define the condition by passing an expression to the directive which is evaluated in the context of it’s host component. The syntax is: *ngIf=”condition”

How does the ng if Directive work in angular?

Definition and Usage. The ng-if directive removes the HTML element if the expression evaluates to false. If the if statement evaluates to true, a copy of the Element is added in the DOM. The ng-if directive is different from the ng-hide, which hides the display of the element, where the ng-if directive completely removes the element from the DOM.

How is ng-if different from ng-hide?

The ng-if is different from ng-hide because it completely removes the element in the DOM rather than just hiding the display of the element. If the expression inside it is false then the element is removed and if it is true then the element is added to the DOM.

How is ngif different from ngshow and nghide?

ngIf differs from ngShow and ngHide in that ngIf completely removes and recreates the element in the DOM rather than changing its visibility via the display css property.

How does ngif bind to a JavaScript primitive?

An important implication of this is if ngModel is used within ngIf to bind to a javascript primitive defined in the parent scope. In this case any modifications made to the variable within the child scope will override (hide) the value in the parent scope. Also, ngIf recreates elements using their compiled state.