How do you explain column subtraction with borrowing?

Borrowing is a two-step process:

  1. Subtract 1 from the top number in the column directly to the left. Cross out the number you’re borrowing from, subtract 1, and write the answer above the number you crossed out.
  2. Add 10 to the top number in the column you were working in.

What is the meaning of Column subtraction?

Subtraction is simply taking away one number from another. When the numbers are easy, we can subtract them in our heads. However, when the numbers get a little tricker, that’s when column subtraction can be an efficient and accurate method.

How do you explain the column method?

The column method is a mathematical method of calculation where the numbers to be added or subtracted are set out above one another in columns. The methods of column addition and column subtraction are introduced to pupils for the first time early on when they start working with increasingly large numbers.

How do you teach column methods?

What is the column method of addition?

  1. Place the numbers one on top of the other, lining up the hundreds, tens and ones.
  2. Add the ones and write the answer.
  3. Regroup any tens under the tens column.
  4. Add the tens including any tens that you have regrouped.
  5. Add the hundreds including any hundred you have regrouped.

What does column mean in maths?

An arrangement of numbers, shapes or objects, one above the other. A rectangle which has length, longer than width.

How to do column subtraction in a column?

Separate the numbers into ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. List the numbers in a column and always start with the ones first. Estimate first and check afterwards – it’s a good idea to estimate a rough answer first. And always check your actual answer.

Which is an example of a 2 digit column subtraction?

Example of 2-digit column subtraction Take the sum 45 – 28, it may seem difficult as there is a smaller digit on the top number (5 compared to 8). In order to work out 5 – 8, you need to take a ‘ten’ from the 4, in the 45. This means, 40 is reduced to 30 and the 5 is increased to 15.

Why is column subtraction important for a child?

When children begin to use column subtraction it’s important they have a good understanding of place value so they can successfully process the digits carried and what they represent. As well as understanding the importance of setting out a sum carefully in a column.

Which is the best resource for column subtraction?

If you’re introducing formal written methods of subtraction to your class, use this column subtraction resource to build your children’s confidence with plenty of practice. There are two worksheets included: one for 2-digit subtraction with exchanging (sometimes known as regrouping or borrowing) and one for 2-digit subtraction with no exchanging.