What is Xi cleft points?

Xi-cleft points are where the meridian qi accumulates deeply and are indicated for the acute and pain disease of the respective Zang-fu organs and meridians, while the Xi-cleft points of the Yin meridians are also indicated for blood diseases [7].

What are Luo points?

Luo Connecting Points are where a separate channel splits off from the main flow and connects with the Yin/Yang paired meridian. Can be used to diagnose and treat channel problems based on fullness (pain, heat) or emptiness (stiffness, weakness). May be used to treat the Yin/Yang paired organ.

What is a Hui meeting point?

The Hui Meeting Points, also called the “Eight Influential Points” or the “Gathering Points,” are a special set of points which have a broad effect on their related area (i.e. qi, blood, vessels, bones, etc.).

What is a confluent point in TCM?

The eight extraordinary confluent points are a very popular set of acupuncture points in the modern practice of acupuncture. They are also called the intersection, meeting, command, opening, master, and the flowing and pooling points of the eight extraordinary vessels.

What are coalescent points?

Coalescent Points Definition. Intersection points between those Eight Extraordinary Channels that have no points of their own and the Twelve Regular Channels. You just studied 18 terms!

What are yuan source points used for?

Puncturing the Yuan (source) points stimulates the vital energy of the regular meridians, regulates the functional activities of the internal organs, reinforces antipathogenic factors and eliminates pathogenic factors. This method of treating diseases deals principally with the root causes.

What is a great Luo Connecting Point of Spleen?

21), the Luo (connecting) point of the major collateral of the spleen (connecting with the hypochondriac region), a total of 15. The spleen helps the stomach to transport fluids to the five zang organs and the four extremities through its major collateral which governs both Yin and Yang collaterals of the body.

Where is Spleen 21 located?

Spleen 21. Location: On the lateral aspect of the chest, on the mid-axillary line, in the 6th intercostal space. Indications: General aching and weakness of the limbs.

Where is Ren 17?

The point is located in the center of the breastbone, at the fourth intercostal space (space between ribs), which is usually at the level of the nipples in men.

What does joy do to qi?

Joy relaxes and slows the movement of Qi. Symptoms from a Heart or Joy imbalance can result in: Palpitations. Restlessness.

What are Zang organs?

The 5 zang organs include the heart (心), the liver (肝), the spleen (脾), the lung (肺), and the kidney (腎), and the 6 fu organs include the gallbladder (膽), the stomach (胃), the small intestine (小腸), the large intestine (大腸), the urinary bladder (膀胱), and sanjiao (the triple energizer).

What are the four gates?

The 4 gates is an acupuncture point combination consisting of 2 different points needled bilaterally. One point, Large Intestine 4 (Hegu), is on the dorsum of the hand. The other point, Liver 3 (Taichong), is on the dorsum of the foot. This point is great to use for many different conditions.

Where are the XI cleft points in the body?

Xi-cleft points are where the qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply. In general the xi-cleft points are indicated in the treatment of acute conditions and pain, while the xi-cleft of the yin channels are also indicated in treating disorders of the blood.

Why is energy backing up at the XI cleft?

If there is some blockage further along the stream, and the stream has not yet had time to work out an alternative route, the ‘xi-cleft’ point is where you might first notice the energy ‘backing up’ because it can’t get through: almost as if an energy pool forms there because it can’t drain down into the earth.

What does the word XI mean in acupuncture?

The word “xi” means a small gap, or hole, or cleft in the same way we might talk about a cleft in a cliff. The idea is that of energy moving up the arm or leg, along the acupuncture channel (meridian) towards the body. Like a mountain stream, at some point it disappears underground for a while. Where it disappears is the ‘xi’ or ‘cleft’ point.