What is the meaning of Detachability?

1. To separate or unfasten; disconnect: detach a check from the checkbook; detach burs from one’s coat. 2. To remove from association or union with something: detach a calf from its mother; detached herself from the group. 3.

What does precio mean in Italian?

price. More meanings for prezzo. price noun. quotazione, quota, valore, paga.

What is the meaning of non detachable?

: not able to be or designed to be detached especially from something larger : not detachable nondetachable accessories.

Is Detachability a word?

GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF DETACHABILITY Detachability is a noun. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

What are detachable warrants?

A detachable warrant is a derivative contract attached to a security, which gives the holder the right to purchase the underlying asset at a specific price within a certain time. Because they are attached to preferred stock, investors must sell warrants if they want to receive dividends.

How do u spell detachable?

Other Words from detach

  1. detachability \ di-​ˌta-​chə-​ˈbi-​lə-​tē , dē-​ \ noun.
  2. detachable \ di-​ˈta-​chə-​bəl , dē-​ \ adjective.
  3. detachably \ di-​ˈta-​chə-​blē , dē-​ \ adverb.

What does Prezo mean?

1. a presentation. I have to give a prezo in class next week.

What is importo?

(I) import, (I) matter, (I) amount to.

Which is the closest antonym for the word detachable?

antonyms for detachable

  • fixed.
  • immovable.
  • permanent.
  • unmovable.
  • untransportable.

What is a bond with a detachable warrant?

In effect, a bond issuer includes detachable warrants in its sale of debt securities in order to obtain a lower interest rate and cost of borrowing than would be possible without the warrants, while a bond buyer is interested in the profit they could earn by converting the warrants to stock if the issuer’s stock price …

What is the preference share with detachable warrants?

Investors who hold warrants do not receive any voting rights in the issuing company, nor are they eligible to receive dividends. For this reason, those who own shares of preferred stock with detachable warrants often opt to detach, or sell, those warrants so that they can start collecting their dividend payments.

What is the opposite of detachable?

Opposite of capable of being moved. immovable. immobile. irremovable. nonmobile.