Which is more important RAM speed or latency?

True latency is a much better indicator of performance, as it takes the number of clock cycles and the length of each clock cycle into account. Here’s a quick comparison of memory performance that shows the historical speed/latency relationship.

Does faster RAM reduce latency?

When deciding between RAM of different clock speeds, the RAM with the higher clock speed is superior; but when choosing between RAM of identical clock speeds, the RAM with lower CAS latency is faster.

What is RAM CL rating?

Basically, the CAS latency, or CL, is an indication of the time it takes for your memory controller to get a particular piece of data ready to access from the RAM, so lower numbers are generally more desirable.

Is higher RAM better than CL?

The lower the CAS latency, the better. CAS latency can be referred to in several different ways. A RAM kit with a CAS latency of 16, for example, can be described as CAS 16 or CL16 or as having CAS 16 timings.

Is CL in RAM important?

It really depends on the combination of CL and data rate and most often times data rate prevails as far as performance, in the sets you show the 2400 would be slightly better performance wise due to the wider bandwidth (it can do more each cycle with the additional DRAM).

Is CL16 better than cl18?

The CL number is how many clock cycles the RAM spends refreshing the data. At the same speed lower is better. But as speed increases so does the latency (CL). The effect on overall performance will be very small.

How do I know if my RAM is CL?

The part number of a memory module is usually printed on its body. You can search for this part number to know more about the CAS Latency of this RAM. Alternatively, sometimes, RAM timings may also be printed. It can look somewhat like this – CL15-18-18-36.

What is CL18 and CL16?

ago. 3200mhz CL18 is basically slightly overclocked 3000mhz CL16 with worse timings which means there is a chance that you can overclock 3000mhz CL16 to 3200mhz 18CL. So it doesn’t really matter which one you get.

Can you use CL16 and CL18 together?

It shouldn’t endanger any of your hardware, because ideally it wont work to begin with. Mixing RAM is hit or miss. You would need to adjust the settings of the faster sticks to match the slower ones (that’s every setting; latency, speed, timings, voltage etc) to even have a chance at them working together.

What does CL16 mean for RAM?

CAS latency
A RAM kit with a CAS of 16 takes 16 RAM clock cycles to complete this task. The lower the CAS latency, the better. CAS latency can be referred to in several different ways. A RAM kit with a CAS latency of 16, for example, can be described as CAS 16 or CL16 or as having CAS 16 timings.

How to calculate the true latency of RAM?

To calculate the true latency of your RAM in nanoseconds, use the following formula: If you have a CAS of 15 and a clock speed of 2400mhz, this would be your true latency: If you have a CAS of 17 and a clock speed of 2666mhz, this would be your true latency: Thus, higher CAS timings can result in a higher latency even with higher clock speeds.

Which is better lower latency or higher CL ratio?

Lower latency assures the processing of data in minimal time. Sametime, its recommended to do not mix RAM with different clock speeds or different CL ratios. Otherwise, such RAM modules will not be able to work at their specified speed. For example, we have two RAM modules with following specification.

What does the CL mean on a RAM kit?

When buying RAM, you’ll see listings for their timings, such as CL16-18-18-38 or CL14-14-14-34 or CL 16-18-18-36. That number after the “CL” represents the RAM kit’s CAS latency, sometimes called CL. But what does CAS latency really mean? And what implications does a RAM kit’s CAS latency have for its performance?

Why does CAS timing affect the latency of RAM?

Thus, higher CAS timings can result in a higher latency even with higher clock speeds. However, that doesn’t explain what happens in a situation where the true latency of two sticks of RAM are tied, despite them having different clock speeds (because the faster-clocked choice has a worse latency).